What is your internet speed? - page 5

When Paint draws such pictures directly on speedtest.net, then it will rule, but for now, relax http://www.speedtest.net/result/936049520.png

You can see it in the picture (1st page) ). Dom.ru - ER-TELECOM, Samara

The city in the picture is the one with which the measurement is made, not the one from which :)

And 100 mb in the Saratov branch I could not find, max 20 they claim... see what is in the contract.


I first connected to the Internet in 1995...... The speeds were very different.))))
Yes... Back in '45, I remember they had tube modems, heavy duty... Battery-powered, though!

No service like http://speedtest.net/ will show the user's real internet speed. It is enough to have an intermediate dead server somewhere, or a busy server, and the speed will be shown not on the Internet, but on that server. The only thing that can really show the internet speed is the tracker, if there is no speed limit on it and you download a file that is shared by many people.

The MT4 platform was originally designed as a terminal capable of working at low dial-up speeds. At least that's what the developer said earlier. I recently connected to the Internet via dial-up modem and turned on the terminal. It worked fine on such low speeds. So don't worry too much about the speed of the internet. All you need is a good ping.

I see that some people here don't know what a ping is. It's easy to get into the process. A ping is two computers calling out to each other. One of them yells, like, hey, bro, are you there? Yeah, I'm here, are you here? I'm here, too. There's a game called Ping-Pong - or just table tennis. The term is taken from there, because computers send packets to each other and the response is like players sending each other a tennis ball. The ping value is the response time of the computer receiving the request. It is measured in milliseconds. If the server of your brokerage company is very slow and is in God knows where, then the order that is sent from your terminal may take a while to reach the server, while the server reacts and while all this is happening, the situation may change so much that the price you requested is not valid anymore. In general, it is great if the broker server is fast and responds almost immediately.

In order to understand such issues you need to have something to compare them with. For that you need to look at other servers' response speeds. Click on Start-Run on your computer and in the window that appears, type cmd, then press yenter. A console window will open with a flashing cursor. Enter there the command

ping yandex.ru

and hit enter (ping server name without http:// and without www). You should get something like this http://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110117/AHT6x5WL.jpg

Generally, if your provider promises you, say, 20 megabits per second speed, it means that from the Internet channel that he has, he really is ready to give you these 20 megabits per second. But since you are accessing servers via other intermediate servers, the connection speed may be much slower with some of them. Let's say you can run at 20 km/h, but alas, you can't run on this trail - it's narrow, and the bushes prevent you from running - you have to crawl!


I first connected to the Internet in 1995...... The speeds were very different.))))
2400 in '91.
I have a shameful one, even though I pay a hundred dollars a month... They don't think people from the Far East are human at all... Can't even download porn... :(

The city in the picture is the one with which the measurement is made, not the one from which :)

And I could not find 100 mb in the Saratov branch, they claim a maximum of 20... see what's in the contract.

Abzasc, - and what does this have to do with the Saratov branch? I live in Samara !

In addition - when I move the mouse arrow over the Internet icon a picture pops up:

That's why I logically thought that my cable Internet speed should be exactly 100 mb (or so), and not 1-2 mb, as measured by the test!


Abzasc, - what does theSaratov branch have to do with it? Ilive in Samara !

Besides, - when I move the mouse arrow to the internet icon, a picture pops up:

That's why I logically thought that my cable Internet speed should be exactly 100 mb (or so), and not 1-2 mb at all, as the test measured!

What you see says it's the speed of the network card.
What you see says it's the speed of the network card.

Not always - I was surprised when an employee said he had a 100 megabit internet connection. It turned out to be true. You need to look at your contract with your provider. Or, if the provider supports the site with the user's account, you need to look at the deciphering of the tariff package. For example, I have a promotion at my provider - 17 megabits starting speed in January, and 1 megabit is added every subsequent month.

Abzasc, - what does theSaratov branch have to do with it? Ilive in Samara !

Besides, - when I move the mouse arrow to the internet icon, a picture pops up:

That's why I logically thought that on my cable internet speed should be exactly 100 mb (or so), and not at all 1-2 mb, as measured by the test!

Sorry, it's from lack of sleep - by the time I got to the branches, I mixed up the cities :(

Here's Samara http://samara .wizard.ertelecom.ru/ too...

And the picture shows the speed of the network card, the speed of the internet - in the contract or call techsupport. You probably have a double, if it's a 3, you can kick tech support.