Twenty-four, and not one iota more! - page 6


Try other pivot levels R2,R1,S2,S1. There are medium pivot strategies with optimal stops at these levels. Maybe it will work for you too).

E.T. Also those who use them systematically, say that the result is influenced by the beginning of the day. Like it is different for different currencies :).

The risk is reduced and the profit is reduced - but it is there. And if the price moves in the right direction - then we go on with the system and fill up, what is the problem?

This is the question I am trying to answer (or rather, as an option, I would try to check it):

Reduce the lot with a shift of stop, then refill. The options are by strategy.

The problem is that in most cases the price will go where it needs to go - and you will lose half your profit. It's like putting a chastity belt with a lock on it and throwing the key into the sea - she won't get horns for sure. But where's the fun in that?

You can't build a system based on worst-case scenarios. The best such system is sitting on the fence. You say, "The risk is reduced and the profit is reduced - but it's there." Is it enough for bread and butter, this sequestered profit? There is also micro Forex, you can enter 0.0001 of a lot there - but it's not the solution of the problem, but escape from it. It seems to me.


The problem is that in most cases the price will go where it needs to go - and you will lose half your profit.

Do you have a system where most of the time it goes where it needs to go? Then you don't need a stop. Except in a force majeure situation altogether.

Z.I. Also those who trade systematically, say that the result is influenced by the beginning of the day. Like it's different for different currencies :)

I have a perfect start of the day... in Tokyo... I wake up and I start with a blank slate :) It's not Moscow.
I don't think it matters in principle though. The strength of the pivot isn't that it calculates anything, it's that it's alone. And there are only two price tracks from it - up or down. The next thing is to allocate the stops correctly... That's what it's all about.

You can't build a system based on the worst-case scenario.

I will omit the rest, because I have said it all, but on this one I note: if the system is in the black in the worst-case scenario, it is worth considering.
Do you have a system that most of the time goes where it should? Then you don't need a stop. Except for force majeure at all.

If I did not have such a system, I would not have tried it, why would I lose my money so hard and for so long?

Jesus, any system with a 50% expectation will give you that. It just won't tell you where to make a profit. These things are interrelated, don't you know? So what if I can guess the general direction of price if my profit is less than my loss?

I will omit the rest, because I have said it all, but on this one I will note: if the system is in the black in the worst case scenario, it is worth considering.
Why? If it is good, what else is there to think about?

If I did not have such a system, I would not have entered the Forex market.

Jesus, any system with a 50% expectation will give you that. It just won't tell you where to make a profit. These things are interrelated, don't you know? So what if I can guess the general direction of the price, if my profit is less than my loss?

I do not understand. Do you have one or not?
I don't get it. Is there or isn't there?
Yes, of course I do. Don't you? Then what have you been doing for so many years in the forex community? Masochism?
Of course you are. Don't you? Then what have you been doing for so many years at the forex hangouts? Masochism?

I don't. Most of the time I am wrong.

I'm a punching bag, you of all people should know.