Nibiru - page 5

Actually, Angela seems to be the face of the fair sex.

Well, that's a mistake, tara - I thought she was a girl, too, but she's a man.

Zz: corrected myself.


Well, it happens, tara - also thought it was a girl turned out to be a man.

Yes? Thanks for the "about me". Damn you know who you're talking to anonymously here...

ZS: corrected.

No credit...

Yes? Thanks for the "about me". Hell, you know who you're talking to anonymously here...

No credit...
What's your take on Nibiru?
Your opinion on Nibiru?
Fiction, legend. Asteroids are all counted and in the catalogue and there's a planet!
Your opinion of Nibiru?


Well... that's where I'm texting from. It's got 10MB of LTE.

Anything else?


Oh, crap, you guys! Don't you care about anything else?

I mean, is there a reason I'm living my life?

Is the person I want to see reflected in the mirror in the morning? // don't you want to turn away from the mirror?

And what, in the end, does it mean to be needed? Even if only to yourself?

These are the questions. And you think in vain that they have nothing to do with trade. The general principle. And goal setting...



Well... that's what I'm writing from. There's 10MB on LTE.

Anything else?


Shit, you guys! Don't you care about anything else?

I mean, is there a reason I'm living my life?

Is the person I want to see reflected in the mirror in the morning? // don't you want to turn away from the mirror?

And what, after all, does it mean to be needed? Even if it's for yourself?

These are the questions. And you think in vain that they have nothing to do with trade. The general principle. And goal setting...

I think it's called stimulating dissatisfaction. Everything I do suits me, if it did not, I would not do it. )

Once, about a year ago, I worked and was officially employed, and the pay was not bad (before the crisis), sent on the best sites (worked as an installer on ventilation), stopped paying, it did not suit me, I left, working off the record salary black, and in general I belong (almost).Just sometimes you need to say: "Enough! Of course, now things are not as smooth as they were before, but I am happy with them, and I try to fix what I do not like.

sanyooooook: ZS: how fast is a planet travelling if the orbital period between our Sun and the Sirius system is 3100 years?

Oh, I'm afraid to imagine. 1 light year is about 10^13 km, i.e. 10 trillion km. Sirius is 8.7 light years away. I.e. it is some figure, presumably similar to an elongated ellipse with a semi-major axis of about 100 trillion km. To make a complete circle, it would have to run at least two large semi-major axes, i.e. in the region of 2*10^14 km. Now calculate the speed:

2*10^14 km / 3100 years = 2*10^14 / 3100 km/year ~ 2*10^14 / (3100*365*24*3600) km/s ~ 2000 km/s.


Oh, I'm afraid to imagine. 1 light-year is about 10^13 km, i.e. 10 trillion km. Sirius is 8.7 light years away. I.e. it is some figure, presumably similar to an elongated ellipse with a semi-major axis of about 100 trillion km. To make a complete circle, it would have to run at least two large semi-major axes, i.e. in the region of 2*10^14 km. Now calculate the speed:

2*10^14 km / 3100 years = 2*10^14 / 3100 km/year ~ 2*10^14 / (3100*365*24*3600) km/s ~ 2000 km/s.

And the earth moves around the sun at what speed?

Oh, I'm afraid to imagine. 1 light-year is about 10^13 km, i.e. 10 trillion km. Sirius is 8.7 light years away. I.e. it is some figure, presumably similar to an elongated ellipse with a semi-major axis of about 100 trillion km. To make a complete circle, it would have to run at least two large semi-major axes, i.e. in the region of 2*10^14 km. Now calculate the speed:

2*10^14 km / 3100 years = 2*10^14 / 3100 km/year ~ 2*10^14 / (3100*365*24*3600) km/s ~ 2046 km/s.

a normal speed...
For comparison, the intrinsic velocity of stars is about 500km/s, so that's an adequate number.
How fast does the earth move around the sun?
The Earth moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit at a distance of about 150 million km with an average speed of 29.765 km/sec. ... Thespeed of the Earth's orbit is variable: it begins to accelerate in July (after passing the aphelion) and again in January...