
The formula is very simple and has been described many times:

"Buy cheap, sell dear" + "Trend is my friend".

The statement "Trend is my friend" is redundant here :)


However ridiculous it may seem, but the grail does exist, or rather near-grail strategies.

Note, I did not claim that such strategies do not exist.


Regarding the mathematical probability of the Grail being invented - a little later. It is indeed very low, especially considering the peculiarities of psychology, the presence of various kinds of fraudulent gimmicks, etc. But the probability can be calculated, which we will do later on.



So, there's the Grail, launched the advisor, "the space of options for subsequent events", what is it?

Even though you asked:

Please also refrain from retorts like "there can be no Grail". We've heard that before and...

but I can't help it. "The Grail does not exist, it cannot exist in principle. Its existence is equivalent to the existence of, for example, "perpetual motion machine" and similar things. Why don't you ask such a question: "So, Sidorov invented perpetuum mobile and turned it on, what is the space of variants of future events".

Unfortunately, there really isn't and can't be, and I'm not going to prove and explain why it is so. Why? If you want to find "switching on" of that grail by some indirect signs, you will fail. You are wasting your time.


The statement "Trend is my friend" is redundant here :)

Perhaps, but "against the grain" is difficult to work with.

Even though you asked for it:

but I can't help it. The "Grail" really does not exist, it cannot exist in principle. Its existence is equivalent to the existence, for example, of "perpetual motion machine" and similar things. Why don't you ask such a question: "Well, Sidorov has invented perpetuum mobile and turned it on, what is the space of variants of following events?

Unfortunately, there really isn't and can't be, and I'm not going to prove and explain why it is so. Why? If you want to find "switching on" of that grail by some indirect signs, you will fail. You are wasting your time.

+1 in the end I don't understand the need for this thread. Well, let's say it is (which it can't be in principle) and then what, how will it help you earn????

Sergei, I am not in favour of perpetual motion machines. And I know very well that they do not exist. However, there are processes in nature that have been going on for years, to put it mildly. For example: the rotation of the Earth, thermonuclear reactions in the Sun, etc. However, we do not need the Grail to exist forever. A certain period of time - three-four-five-ten years will suffice for us. That will be enough for us. And for some people a few months is enough .......


+1 in the end I don't understand the need for this thread.
It is useful to think of the consequences beforehand.
p.s. Book on the subject: http://www.amazon.com/Lecturing-Birds-Flying-Mathematical-Financial/dp/0470406755

In many sciences (philosophy, physics, chemistry, etc.) scientists successfully apply this approach "What if this is already ......, then what ...... ".

I suggest that forum members think together about such a question. Imagine that some talented person invented the Grail, created an advisor on this trading technique and launched it. How would things develop then? I suggest to make a mental picture of all possible scenarios that can happen.

Later I will give my opinion about it, but first I want to hear from forum participants.

When discussing this subject, please do not forget about forum rules (flooding, rudeness, discussion of certain brokerage houses, etc.). Please also refrain from replicas, such as "there is no such thing as the Grail". We have already heard that and those remarks are not interesting for people who are able to "think ahead".

So, we have the Grail, we have launched an Expert Advisor, "the space of variants of subsequent events", what is it?

Someone is making money there! A big player or several players coordinating their actions are the necessary condition to set the price in motion. They make money on market inertia, it is their prerogative to peak at a certain level (hence the double bottoms), I already said in a similar thread.

Regarding the mathematical probability of the Grail being invented - a little later. It is indeed very low, especially considering the peculiarities of psychology, the presence of various kinds of fraudulent gimmicks, etc. But the probability can be calculated, which we will do later on.

Yeah, we've already calculated the probability of extraterrestrial civilisations. It's a fucking useful figure, and when you look at how exactly it was calculated, from what considerations ....

nikelodeon: +1 в итоге не понимаю необходимость этой ветки. Ну допустим он и есть (чего не может быть в принципе) и что дальше, как это Вам поможет заработать????

Let me explain. We need to know "Where we are" and "Where to step". Where we are, we know, although not all of us have the right idea. Where to step - this needs to be clearly defined, not everyone knows where to step. After defining these two points, one can draw a path between them. The shortest way is a straight line. But it is not realistic to follow it. To make it simpler, it is divided into parts and so on ..........

In order to create the Grail, it is necessary to have an idea of the forces preventing its existence.