
In 1 year, the profit is 20%. Not bad in principle. But I don't consider it a grail - it's the profit of an ordinary business. Although a 20% profit in one year for a business is a good result )))

The grail is 10% a month with a 10% drawdown over 10 years.
HIDDEN: It's all about greed, it ruins everything. It's just that if you take 5 currency pairs and each currency pair at 20% per year, it's already 100%, and the result of working on each currency pair +(-)5% per year.

I agree. Greed in forex is pernicious. 100% a year profit is the result that can be achieved with minimal risk in Forex. But then again - it's not a grail. As I understand it, everyone dreams of going from $100 to a lakh or even more ))))

paukas: Грааль это 10% в месяц при просадке 10% в течение 10 лет.

Agreed. It remains to be seen how to do this, as there is no guarantee that it is not a tinkering in the tester. How do you determine this for the future?

why do you forget the basic laws?

1. Every measurement of a system affects the system itself. If a grail exists and can measure the macro/micro state of a system, then it will get distorted with its impact on that system. And the more this measurement (in forex it can be called exchange transactions) - the greater will be the impact on the system.

2. The law of the relationship between quantitative and qualitative changes. Any grail, increasing the quantitative influence on the market - changes its qualitative characteristics. Therefore, the grail will not be a grail any more, since it cannot function according to the new qualitative laws of the market.

3 If the grail exists, it is none other than an experiment with Maxwell's Demon . For those not in the know, the demon violates the second law of thermodynamics by reducing the entropy of the system. The grail essentially does the same thing, violating the law of equilibrium of the market. There are no irreversible processes in nature. If one wins, it is only because one takes "energy" (information, funds) from other sources

How grandiose, sweeping... why "throw" one's grail (if one has one) into a confrontation with the market, realising that with more money one can "deform" it and thus get the effect of "recognition" and "absorption" of the grail by the market. Some sort of global scale... What's the point? Create something good, earn money, do not disturb anyone, do not be greedy, remember "trees do not grow to the sky", limit the risks over time, keep your head in the cold, feet warm... don't force it...

And you are describing some kind of planetary movements that create a grail.

Agreed. It remains to be seen how to do this, as there is no guarantee that it is not a tinkering in the tester. How do you determine this for the future?
To be sure, there should be 200-300 transactions a year.

How grandiose, sweeping... why "throw" one's grail (if one has one) into a confrontation with the market, realising that with more money one can "deform" it and thus get the effect of "recognition" and "absorption" of the grail by the market. Some sort of global scale... What's the point? Create something good, earn money, do not disturb anyone, do not be greedy, remember "trees do not grow to the sky", limit the risks over time, keep your head in the cold, feet warm... don't force it...

And you are describing some kind of planetary movement that creates a grail.

I tried to consider the question the question the question the questioner asked: what happens if there is a grail?

- what macro and micro changes in the system we will see,
- what it will affect, and whether it can affect it at all.
- whether the laws will be violated if there is a grail in the market.
- Can the grail even exist in the sense that it will take everything from the market without giving anything back.

There is a saying. - True in a small way, true in a lot of ways.
There is nothing wrong with seeking analogies and systematising knowledge in all fields. Be it cosmogonic theories or the origin of grails.


paukas: Для надёжности надо бы сделок 200-300 в год.

There are no guarantees anyway

I tried to consider the question posed by the questioner: what would happen if there was a grail?

- could there even be a grail in the sense that it would take everything from the market without giving anything in return.

In theory, the grail should take everything from the market and all other participants should give everything back. This is impossible in principle. Somebody among all profits and therefore does not give everything to the market (the grail).

So, there's the Grail, run the EA, the 'space of options for subsequent events', what is it?

Very simply, the Grail exists in the market, you just have to be an exchange owner. Hence, the "options space" is to attract more participants. That's it. You don't even have to cheat anyone. ;)
A joke on the subject! ))))