What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 42

Someone said here that time moves in a spiral. I was thinking that if that were the case, the processes of time would be spiral-like: get old - get young, get old - get young again. Romance, man... :)
That's how it is. While you live on earth you grow old. Then you go to the next world. There you fix your brain, cleanse yourself of dirt, realize some things and come back to earth - you are born as a baby.
That's the way it is. While you live on earth you grow old. Then you go to the next world. There you fix your brain, cleanse yourself of the dirt, realize some things and come back to earth - you are born as a baby.
There is a film about it (I do not remember the name, but it is called The Amazing Story or Wonderful or Extraordinary), there a man was born as an old man, he grew young with time and died as a baby. It's an interesting film.
There's a film about it (I can't remember the name, but it's called The Amazing Story or Wonderful or Extraordinary), where a man was born old and grew younger over time, and died a baby. It's an interesting film.

The mysterious story of Benjamin Button.

It's got Brad Pitt in it. It's a weird movie. But I like those...)


The mysterious story of Benjamin Button.

It's got Brad Pitt in it. It's a weird movie. But I like those...)

the contra-mot... except the film doesn't show whether he was a discrete contra-mot...? although no. he was a discrete contra-mot.
That's the way it is. While you live on earth you grow old. Then you go to the next world. There you fix your brain, cleanse yourself of the dirt, realize some things and come back to earth - you are born as a baby.

We are talking about time within this world and not the afterlife. If we touch to the subject of death, we may say that in this case a man falls out of the stream of time - he is sent to a warehouse through which time does not flow.

The mysterious story of Benjamin Button.

It's got Brad Pitt in it. It's a weird movie. But I like those...)

Exactly, the more obscure the more interesting, something to think about, if there is anything to think about). When it's clear, why watch.

ZS: Watched Alice in Wonderland recently, didn't get it, didn't understand it when I was a kid, much less now. )


We are talking about time within this world, not the afterlife. On the subject of death, we can say. that in this case one falls out of the flow of time - is sent to a warehouse through which time does not flow.
There another world another field and time is one present and hence memories of past lives and memories of pauses between lives under regressive hypnosis (there are even books of collections of those hypnotised).

We are talking about time within this world, not the afterlife. On the subject of death, we can say. that in this case one falls out of the flow of time - is sent to a warehouse through which time does not flow.
In my opinion, aging of organism lies in consciousness of a man, a man can manage his body as he wants, i.e. he controls his body, so why he cannot make his organism to renew itself (as a matter of fact change water). ).

The contrast... the movie doesn't show whether he was a discrete contra-mot...? But no. He was a discrete contra-mot.

Atypical case. Consciousness existed in the mainstream and metabolism was inverted.


By the way! If we return to the topic of time, and since we're talking about cinema.

I watched (downloaded) here the film "The Beginning" of last year (already... eh...) with L. Dicaprio. The creators have obviously read Castaneda, but the point is different. There, a group of criminalized esoterics is engaged in falling asleep together with the victim and there, in his sleep, doing their dark business. And since time goes faster in the dream (according to the authors, it seems, 20 times), then falling asleep (nested dreams), you can for a couple of minutes to live a whole life and have time to do a lot. So, some of this OPG have a mental age of hundreds of years.

By the way, the film is not badly shot, it is dynamic and has a non-trivial plot. I recommend it.


On the membrane, one weirdo has a theory, probably unoriginal - that we sort of live on the surface of a four-dimensional sphere, where time is, understandably, the fourth dimension. Therefore, life events are such an intersection of different trajectories, scratches on the surface, so to say.

Hey, scratches! We have crossed paths, so I send you my greetings! May the schwartz be with you!
