What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 39


My point is different. The time for awareness and decision-making and the external environment is non-linear. It's not, say, hourly bars. Or weekly ones, for that matter. It is purely event-driven.
If there is anything to transform, it is the latter.

А. Fuck it. It's the same old thing.
Is it (time) not linear in the head or on the outside of it? If it's in the head, I get it, but if it's on the outside, I don't.
Peter, you have a negative attitude towards time sampling, but what is your attitude towards price sampling itself with the exception of time?
is it (time) in the head that's not linear or from the outside? If in the head I get it, but if outside, I don't get it.

I am simply stating what I have already said in this thread: Time is one of the peculiarities of human perception of the world. A property of consciousness, if you will.

Check or drive?)))

What the hell do you care what's on the outside? What's that - externally??? // no, funny - forum of speculative enthusiasts...

What is more important is what you can get out of it practically.


I'm just saying what I've already said in this thread: Time is one of the peculiarities of human perception of the world. A property of consciousness, if you will.

Check or drive?)))

What the hell do you care what's on the outside? What's that - externally??? // no, funny - a forum of speculative enthusiasts...

More importantly, what practical things can be deduced from it.

!!! - so no consciousness, no time? i don't agree. and i think we're done here.

!!! - practically, more sleep and life will go by unnoticed !)

Peter, you have a negative attitude to time sampling, but what is your attitude to price sampling itself with the exception of time?

Neither. Or rather, it is:

There are events. Impulses. They naturally have regression - i.e. backstory, time. Where to go from it? ) But it is in the discretisation of events. Of course, they are time-bound - how else could they be? ))). But that's - not really important.

What matters is what happens inside the event bar.

Here - important: we are not event-makers, we don't create history, we don't make those impulses. Our job is to recognise and exploit the situation.

(If, of course, we want to make money and not just take a piss, fluff...)



!!! - so no consciousness, no time? i don't agree. and i think we're done here.

Yeah? What's out there? )))))))))))))))) Are you aware of it?

!!! - practically, more sleep and life will go by unnoticed !)

Or drink. I agree...

Sanni! If you fall asleep in a lethargic sleep for three hundred years, time will start the moment you wake up.

What are you arguing with?


Huh? What do you got? )))))))))))))))) Do you know?

Or drink. I agree...

You can't understand it without a half a litre.)

Pour and see what flies fast, that's the time )

ZS: again, speed is screwed to time


Sanni! If you fall asleep in a lethargic sleep for three hundred years, time will start the moment you wake up.

What are you arguing with?

If I fell asleep for three hundred years and everything else stopped - I would agree with that, but it will not be so (I fall asleep at night, and everything else does not stop), processes proceeding in me and sense of time stop (slow down), but time itself does not stop. I stop (in fact the body slows down ))) ) )
If I fell asleep for 300 years and everything else stopped I would agree, but it won't happen that way (I fall asleep at night and everything else doesn't stop), the processes inside me and the feeling of time stop (they slow down), but time itself does not stop. I stop (the body actually slows down)) ) )
You feel everything through you. What the fuck do you care that some clock there, ticking away, has passed 300 years. You are you.