Mr Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? - page 7



Many, and I think most do not understand the simple truth that getting a certain amount of money (winnings, inheritance, accidental finding, fraud, robbery, temporary plus in forex:) and especially large sums does not solve their problems, but creates new problems in the future . This is a return to the status quo ante, and usually even worse.

Greed and envy give rise to striving to achieve certain goals by any means (they may go for fraud, forgery, even murder), and the result is that they are happy.

I think it does not. It is a temporary joy of the event no more.

Without professionalism one should not expect high results. Without harmonious personal development, one cannot maintain a high status in society.

At the expense of the harmonious development of personality I completely agree. But agree people born into scanty families often strive for money and power while those born into wealthy families do not look at money at all.


Small income means small expenses, large income means large expenses.

The first problem - security, protection of capital, funds, loved ones, housing, not to live in a communal apartment with suitcases of money, and so on, car, alarm system, elite flats, houses, educational institutions for children, bodyguard, charter, VIP and so on.

That's not counting relatives who also need help or get hurt.

Then friends-girlfriends, a social circle on interests, it is a shame to come in the company in a suit for $200 when others have more expensive shoelaces, a gift on a holiday in the form of a bouquet for the girlfriend you already will not get out

Yesterday's dream comes to an end one week after my paycheck :)

By the way, seemed to be in the Maldives saw rooms for 100 grand a day, I hope I will never need such ponts :)

Maybe I'm too modest to look at the world but for me the happiness is my girlfriend, a couple of daughters, my own flat and a nice car. And not villas in the Bahamas and planes!


It's simple.

You, out of the goodness of your heart (or out of necessity), give someone a lift. They give you a five-dollar bill.

What is more valuable and interesting for you - to receive it this way, or working / playing forex?

It's simple.

In the first case, you as a homo sapiens do not need ANYTHING, except to be on an iron horse at the right time and in the right place ...

In the second case... You are the creator of this time and place. You are realized as a thinking person! Is that a big word? It is! )))))))))))))) But it's very close to what it feels like when you're earning not the lead dejection of this life, but with your head.

It's worth a lot.

I have been offered a lot at one time (and still am). A lot. Ten times more than I have now. But I'm not interested. I'd rather do it myself...

Such is the case...


Yes. It is possible to live on it.

Bazinga!!! ))))

Svinozavr: In the second... You are the creator of this time and place. You are the realised man of thought! Is that a big word? It is! )))))))))))))) But it's very close to what it feels like when you're earning not the leaden dejection of this life, but with your head.
Yes, the knowledge that you are fulfilled is far more valuable than money per se.
Freedom is a tricky thing )))) If you've made a profit in life, it's harder to die on a pile of junk)))
artikul: Freedom is a tricky thing )))) If you've made a profit in life, it's harder to die on a pile of junk)))
only a pauper would say that... YYYYYyyyy :)
That's the kind of thing only a pauper would say... YYYYyyyy :)

Don't you like the idea of death, Mr. trader? )))

подыхать на куче барахла будет тяжелее )))

It's not obvious. Dying without the accomplishments won by work that requires spiritual effort is not sweet either, I guess.

P.S. How does Bernard Madoff feel now? What did he lack to end his life in honour and money?

no :) it's much more fun for me to die on a pile of junk... like right now i'm writing and watching 3-D tv.... half lying on a massage chair :) ....
No :) it's much more fun for me to die on a pile of junk... like right now i'm writing and watching 3-D tv.... half lying on a massage chair :) ....

Has it started already? Yes? :)