Mr Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? - page 10

No matter what they say, they matter!

...yes, .... the female on the right is superfluous...

golden words... although... you have to have a snack... rio... ingeneiro... >

...yes, .... the female on the right is superfluous...

Well some people like variety))

The idea of living off interest from deposits in banks is in principle a good one. There are risks, of course, but they are much less than in forex and other financial markets.

Don't forget that deposits (in the Russian Federation) of up to 700,000 roubles are insured, open deposits in different banks in your name and in the name of relatives or people you can fully trust.

There are small banks, don't take it as an advertisement, for example which even now gives its cardholders 10% per annum + money can be withdrawn at virtually any time (on demand) + monthly capitalisation on the balance of funds.

As for inflation, yes, it is and will be, but as a rule, the deposit rate rises with inflation (but unfortunately, at a much slower pace than inflation)...

I have one example of investing from personal experience, in the early 90s my mother worked as an engineer in Samara-energo at that time. They used to delay the salary and pay it not in full, and sometimes they gave part of it in cash, and part in company shares and over several years of working there she accumulated a decent block of shares. But mum sozhelya said softly slozhala when she sold a package of several hundred shares, which she thought that generally that booboozhelnye papers that she in such a unstable time like 93-95 r useless, and much more practical to buy a basement under the house (5ka Stalinka) is not even the basement, and a small shed in the basement 2X2 meters. But after the sale, she still had okalo 3-5 shares of the company. Time passed and we practically forgot about them, from the beginning of 2000s, we started receiving letters from time to time about the change of the company's Board of Directors, about the voting of shareholders, meetings, etc. In 2007, the reorganization of the entire energy industry started and our Samara-energo started to be reorganized into 4 different companies. At the beginning of the same year, we received a letter offering to sell a stock holding in 4 companies of Samarskaya TGK, we visited the office and found out the appraised value of that holding at a price of 106 thousand rubles and a few kopecks, and my mum was shocked! Her more prudent colleagues did not take their pockets in 90s, and many bought flats and cars for their children with them, my wife had enough money only for the kitchen renovation))))))) That's a funny and sad story about investments from real life. That's why I believe that in the stock should invest only for very long periods, divestments of which will go more likely not to the investor, and to his children. Speaking of which many Europeans and Americans do when a child is born, they buy him a stake, 15-20 years later and with that money you can already pay for university or buy real estate. That's probably all of my personal opinion on the stock market, if I am wrong, do not throw tomatoes at me.

No need for money.

A large number of fun, rich, not greedy - investors!


No need for money.

A large number of fun, rich, not greedy - investors!

Better then sponsors who would donate money for a lifetime:))
The question is global of course, but for me ten is definitely not enough. Everything depends on who is used to live. I bought a flat for myself 10 years ago, my eldest son 3 years ago, my youngest son in the past. I have two cars, a Land Cruser 100 and a Rav 4. I built a 2-storey banya, laid the foundation for a 180m square house. And what do you get out of it all my dreams and desires? But life does not end there. Every year I have to go on holiday, every day I want to eat and dress. I want to travel around the globe and so on. Soon there will be grandchildren, granddaughters will have new expenses ... That's why I think the question of this thread

Mr. Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? The answer is simple - you have to make money every day, every week, every month to live a decent life... As long as we live and breathe.

Come on... Sometimes a sip is enough...
Come on... Sometimes a sip is enough...

глоток - или

Everyone's size is different - to the topicstarter's question... :-)))