Mr Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? - page 11

Happy New Year to you all! Happy Holidays! Success in forex more profits, success in personal life, prosperity and financial well-being!!!

Money that is rustling and in bundles is not modern. They are not needed.

We have long been living in a virtual world. And so has money.

All you need is a credit card with no limits.


Money that is rustling and in bundles is not modern. They are not needed.

We have long been living in a virtual world. And so has money.

All you need is a credit card with no limits.

People who don't have money use a credit card! And as for money, it doesn't matter whether it's electronic or paper, the main thing is that it would be enough for a full life!
Voldemor, what makes you think that money is a determinant of happiness? Your question is provocative.

People who don't have money use a credit card!!! And as for money, it doesn't matter whether it's electronic or paper - the main thing is to have enough to live a full life!

So how much money do you need to live a full life?

I don't suppose anyone knows the answer,

because needs themselves are a derivative function of "fulfilling life".


So, how much of it does it take for them to have a "full life"?

I don't suppose anyone knows the answer,

because needs themselves are a derived function of 'fulfilling life'.

It seems to me... there are some factors that determine the amount needed

On New Year's Eve, on the 2nd, while not actively relaxing, which is sometimes necessary too, I was watching a movie about ABBA.

I think most of us know that each member of the band, a very wealthy person, at one time they were earning at such a rate that with a normal rather than a retarded life

It is impossible to spend the rest of one's life on everything one earns individually.

At the end of the film, it was reported that someone offered to get the group back together, and offered a huge sum of money, obviously a very large sum.

I'm guessing very big, so big that the band got together in one place and decided. To get back together or not.

And they came to a consensus that they would not get together again and perform - despite the huge money they were offered.

Apparently there is a limit, after which a normal person would say enough is enough.


Apparently there is a limit after which a normal person would say enough is enough.

Yes, it's like the fairy tale of the Golden Antelope...

So how much WH do you need to provide for a "fulfilled life"?

I don't suppose anyone knows the answer,

because needs themselves are a derived function of "fulfilling life".

This amount is different for everyone, that's the first thing. Secondly, much depends on how properly a person manages his money resources and how adequately he looks at them. If we conduct an experiment, let's say a hundred passers-by get a million quid each, guess what they would do with them? I say 80-90 people will run out to buy cars, flats, go out and spend money left and right, in a few years most of them will have little left! And only few of them will save and multiply that money! Why am I saying this? Because most people do not know how to manage their money resources!

For everyone this amount is different is the first. Secondly, a lot depends on how well one manages his money and how adequately he looks at it. If we conduct an experiment, give out let's say a hundred passersby a million quid each, guess what they would do with them? I will answer that 80-90 people will run away and buy cars, flats, go out and spend money left and right, but in a few years most of them would not have much left! And only few of them will save and multiply that money! Why am I saying this? Because most people do not know how to manage their money resources!

If all the money in the world, equally distributed to every citizen of the planet,

sooner or later, the money will go back to its former owners.

That's the way of the world. This is the psychology of people.

As the saying goes: "If you didn't live rich, don't start".


Who wants to earn 20-30% a month lying on the sofa?

Основатель финансовой пирамиды МММ Сергей Мавроди 10 января в своем блоге объявил о начале новой акции: МММ-2011 ("Мы Можем Многое - 2011"). Обычным вкладчикам МММ-2011 Мавроди обещает прибыль в 20 процентов в месяц, а пенсионерам - 30 процентов.

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That's how it is. And you don't even have to trade forex. :)))