Mr Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? - page 6


Swinosaurs are right, the process itself should be interesting, and taking money should be secondary.

A hundred billion-trillion right and so much more on top :)

Trading should be interesting, then you think about the process, the rightness, but when you think about the end goal, you miss something important... bang... and you're knocked out... you can't get in the ring, fight your opponent and think only about the championship belt... you gotta think about the fight... you gotta dance around your opponent like a fairy... you have to enjoy the process... you gotta be relaxed by the fun, get hit in the head and enjoy it, that's part of the process... it's normal... that's how it's supposed to be... not like us, you catch a moose and go for the fence )))))

Pork-saurus, go again!!!

And who says that this process is not interesting. Out of 95% of people who once came to forex after losing 1-2 deposits, they give up and leave it forever, and then tell others that forex is a scam)))). And only 5% of such desperate lunatics like us trade further and get a gigantic pleasure out of it!!!
200 points a day. You can get new ones :)

And in a month Bill Gates will be your personal janitor)))) Dream on! The main thing is the ratio of profit to loss over a long period of time - a year or more! At a good move you can double the deposit even with small bets, the only problem is how to then keep what you have earned on this is the main thing stability!
And only 5% of desperate loonies like us trade on and get gigantic pleasure out of it!!!

I strongly disagree about the loonies :)

Let those 95% be the loonies and we stay because it is ours, it is part of us, it is who we are :)

Mm... $100,000 a month would be enough for me...

Small income means small expenses, large income means large expenses.

The first problem - security, protection of capital, funds, loved ones, housing, not to live in a communal apartment with suitcases of money, and so on, car, alarm system, elite flats, houses, educational institutions for children, bodyguard, charter, VIP and so on.

That's not counting relatives who also need to help or be offended.

Then friends-girlfriends, a social circle on interests, it is a shame to come in the company in a suit for $200 when others have more expensive shoelaces, a gift on a holiday in the form of a bouquet for the girlfriend you already will not get out

Yesterday's dream comes to an end one week after I get my paycheck :)

By the way, seemed to have seen in the Maldives rooms for 100 grand a day, I hope I never need such ponahti :)

After reading my post, I don't feel like doing anything myself ))))))))
Byte: By the way, I think I've seen rooms for 100 grand a night in the Maldives, hopefully I'll never need it :)
It's not a question of needing it or not. The main thing is to be able to rent such an apartment.

small income means small expenditure, large income means large expenditure.



Many, and I think most do not understand the simple truth that getting a certain amount of money (winnings, inheritance, accidental discovery, fraud, robbery, temporary plus in forex:) and especially large sums does not solve their problems, but creates new problems in the future . This is a return to the status quo ante, and usually even worse.

Greed and envy give rise to striving to achieve certain goals by any means (they may go for fraud, forgery, even murder), and the result is that they are happy.

I think it does not. It is a temporary joy of the event no more.

Without professionalism, one cannot expect high performance. Without harmonious personal development, it will not be possible to maintain a high status in society.

ULAD: Without harmonious personal development, it will not be possible to maintain a high status in society.

I strongly disagree about the loonies :)

Let the loonies be the 95% and we stay because it's ours, it's part of us, it's who we are :)

I meant that in a good way)))