What to do with the grail? - page 34

what is a bank ? let's define it ! ( except for having a state license )

I will personally repent in the forum - if you give me your SWIFT-code.

It's like a passport...

I hope you have one?



I will personally repent in the forum - if you give me your SWIFT-code.

It's like a passport...

I hope you have one?


Of course not... but that's not what we're talking about... the possibility of getting information about the price PRINCIPALLY before the broker filters it !
of course not ... but we are talking about something completely different ... about the possibility of getting information about the price PRINCIPALLY before the DTs ! before the quotation provider and the DTs themselves filter it !

why so complicated?

Subscribe to eSignal, Morningstar QuoteSpeed - a favourite source of cotier for domestic DCs. But don't forget about the filters...


Slava, just a second. So you've been theorising this whole time?!

why so complicated?

Subscribe to eSignal, Morningstar QuoteSpeed - a favourite source of cotier for domestic DCs. But do not forget about the filters...


Why ??? if there is a source ahead of the same e-signal ! and without filters ! e-signal is just an example of a market maker and quotes supplier formed by appropriate filters to a digestible form for DTs !

And finally, elementary logic - where does the signal itself get information on current prices?!

I have not activated my digital signature yet - I can buy online shops, pay with webmoney, tel. etc. and probably buy currency exchange at any bank - you don't need a payment card, you just need a digital signature! Slava is right, in theory I can buy yen currency in Japan - but I don't know Japanese.
Slava, just a second. So you've been theorising all this time?!

Hasn't it become apparent?

Another grail dream...

"It's called an overdrive.

Only, I don't think it will work - after smoothing out, where the advance will go - you still don't know.


Slava, just a second. So you've been theorizing here all this time?!

when it comes to the possibility of getting quotes before DTs yes (although I can name a reputable person on this forum who has used it successfully! )

In your own experience with the banks - quite realistic about what was real !

Slav, I do not understand, how will you arbitrate the quotations of interbank swift with filtered DCs? They (quotes) will always be different, always... how will you determine where the real discrepancy is and where the filtering costs are?
Please answer the question, I really don't understand...
Answer the question, I really don't understand...

A very good question, if you ask me.

Not theoretical, but practical...
