Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 2

Исходя из статистики Чемпионата, практически у всех успешных экспертов наблюдается линейное изменение баланса. Достаточно наглядным образом уже можно выделить из графиков баланса данных экспертов, которые являются наиболее привлекательными с точки зрения инвестирования.

1. based on the statistics so far, only 9 experts out of 312 I can recognise as successful.


3. I would like to separately mention participants Manov, rho2010, ttauzo and forez, who have a good yield curve. The results of these Expert Advisors could have been better, if they had used more aggressive money management.

For those who don't understand the subtle humor, let me explain. Linear rebalancing is a specific property of money management systems based on martingale. After a while, those who will entrust their money to such systems will be tearing their hair out, and this message will acquire a special sarcasm and "black humour".

Boris Odintsov's report at ATC 2010: "Finding stable advisers - getting richer slowly but surely"

It's bad enough when robots get out of control and get richer and richer, albeit slowly. And their owners get poorer and poorer:)))

A clear contender.

My first step is to compare the two values with the real one. The linear change of balance is a specific property of money management systems based on the martingale. After a while, the one who entrusts his money to such systems will be tearing his hair out, and this message will acquire special sarcasm and "black humour".

well, I don't quite agree about the martinis...

ttauzo, for example, has a constant lot... once he started trading, he hasn't increased or decreased... the deposit is growing at 30 - only due to correctly "guessed" entries...


Boris Odintsov's report at ATC 2010: "Finding stable advisors - getting rich slowly but surely"

It is bad when robots get out of control and slowly but surely get richer and richer. And their owners get poorer and poorer :)))

the insertion of the words "on the testor/history" in this quote - would clarify everything...

in real life


Плохо когда роботы выходят из повиновения и хотя и медленно, но всё богатеют и богатеют на демо/тесторе/истории... А их хозяева всё беднеют и беднеют...- в реале.:)))


I think it's possible to squeeze something out... But it needs optimisation, over-optimisation...

I follow the whole world's advisor thread closely - but not for moderating purposes, but rather for educational purposes. There are some amazing pearls of stream of consciousness. For example, this (emphasis added):

new-rena (16.11.2010 23:11):

And the topic actually came to the fact that the multicurrency tester is required for further work. Otherwise it's screwed. Plus there's more to tell about your own. Night trading with its quirks and secrets. It is difficult to work with indicators there. More precisely, nothing works - how to be here is the topic of the next EA in EMCUEL 5. Here day trading has become a big secret for me, because it starts with a capital letter and a big valutility. And the profits are bigger. Although... how can I put it?

To the lovely ladies, to the lovely ladies.

The branch is actively edited by the participants themselves, so that the degree of graality of the EA created is not too high. Nevertheless, sometimes we manage to read separate pearls.


I consider the clear leader of the pearl of the week:

Note that Julia was talking first, and after the "killer" question, Julia was lost, Adelia was psychologically more stable and closed the loophole ... I wonder how much time passed between New-Ren's question and Adelia's answer


Here is the answer:
Please wait for a response from a representative .
Hello, this is 'Yulia' speaking to you.
Yulia: Hello! Welcome to Please provide your username (account number or email). How can I help you today?
new-rena: My email: .... The question is how much max I can earn on forex?
new-rena: And then withdraw profit?
new-rena: The thing is, I have an Expert Advisor ready. If it works, it will withdraw trillions in 2-3 years.
Adelia: Sorry, we do not provide such data. You can both earn and lose funds
new-rena: Is there a guarantee that I will withdraw the funds? I.e. isthere an official confirmation?
Julia: Please explain your question.
new-rena: The question is that there will be huge profits commensurate with the turnover of the market. Will they give them to me? Is it guaranteed by what, an Internet page or an official document?

Julia: is registered with the National Futures Commission (NFA ID #0339826) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The company maintains high standards and business practices and is subject to strict financial reporting. Every client can, at any time, visit the NFA website to view historical records and confirm our good standing as a member of the National Futures Trading Commission. To view the records, click on the link below, then Broker/Firm Information (BASIC) and select
Julia: http:


the posts of the participants are ahead of time


I consider the clear leader of the pearl of the week:

That's right, only the week has already passed. Sergei, put a date on it, OK? Here - 10.11.2010.

I think it's not going to be easy to choose the winners. I don't know how to do it. All right, let's just put the gems here for now. We'll figure out what to do with them as we go along...

alex12 17.11.2010 18:11

joo: - for all tastes and colours

the website is in english.
how can russians read it ?