Rationale for the existence of support lines - page 12

So what if it's a hoax, as long as it's there.
If you don't forget the classics and remember that there is no lowest and highest price, everything will work out.

If by Elliot then it is not for forex, but all other waves? You have become a forex director, how will you move the price to confuse everyone and collect stops? Think as much as you like - exactly as it goes.

Or a classic swindle - you win once, twice, or three times and then you get a big bummer. That's how forex works - it gives a pattern and one, two.... (there's a secret-- a sense of proportion)

Our job is to extract a non-random profit from a random price movement!

forex - roulette for the most part ... but roulette with some regularities ... which are not always but statistically still performed ...

If you don't forget the classics and remember that there is no lowest and highest price, it will all work out.
There is always a bottom and a top... but only in comparison with something... they are relative values!
If you don't forget the classics and remember that there is no lowest and highest price, it will all work out.
There is. Who are the classics?

If it's about the classics:

"And how silly is the foolish game,

Where the loss is great and the gain is so insignificant.

"When your partners are cheaters,

And you can't get out of the game..."

Sound familiar? Our whole life is a wavelet. Or a noislet...

Mine's definitely a noislet. What am I writing...

There's Do's and there's Do's again. In between - whatever - there might even be an SB. I don't mind. Well, why look for sense where it (given to the will) is absent?

No! I'm not saying it's impossible to make money there. On the contrary.

But here's why... well explain to me, why!!!!, the desire to explain everything from the "big bang" keeps popping up. Well nothing is permanent!!! Amen...
Yeah. And fit the distribution and get upset... Our man!!!

If it wasn't for the spread, there would be a lawnmower. )))
"A bad trader is always hampered by the spread." (c)
Bingo. Who are the classics?
Read Charles Dow's theory...

our job is to extract non-random price movements - non-random profits !

forex - roulette for the most part... but roulette has some regularities ... which are not always but statistically still performed ...

finally, something sincere has been said ...


Well/ So wa...

ok. I'm kind of a townie here. Shit question, I'll fit the investor in. Got it! ))))))))


Well/ So wa...

ok. I'm kind of a townie here. Shit question, I'll fit the investor in. Got it! ))))))))
