Rationale for the existence of support lines - page 15


It is my deep conviction that these "directors" are the ones who set the mood of the main forex comp.

You just think about it. Let's say you are the bank where all the FOREX mess is happening. The mess is being made by your clients. That is, the money is all circulating within you, being redistributed among your clients.

You want to get involved too, and you play with your clients on behalf of an anonymous client. The game for you follows exactly the same rules as the other clients. Only you also have "insider" - Level3-information - who and how much is in what position now, how they have traded before, and where their pending orders are. This is an immeasurable amount of information, which you can analyze automatically using beautiful mathematical methods.

Based on this analysis you play a game with your clients on behalf of an anonymous trader. It is clear that you have a huge advantage in information and money. And you "hunt" for weak clients. Your job is to get as many clients to leak to you as possible. But the rules of the game are the same. On the leakage of customers, strong players can make money on you. Your task is to ensure that the total drain of weak players exceeds the profits of strong ones.

All this is done by the machine.

Now imagine the reality. When there is no one bank. Every major bank has its Level3, but it only reflects the internal clients of its bank and not all banks. How do you trade in such a case? Of course, it is orders of magnitude more difficult for banks to do than in the situation as described above. And then there are the big players who don't give a shit about Level3 and need to intervene or something similar.

The simplest explanation for everything is a conspiracy. This is nonsense.

I would also look at gold.
In the above screenshots you can see that all major currencies were analysed simultaneously, as well as gold and silver.
The above screenshots show that all major currencies as well as gold and silver were analyzed simultaneously.


You might be able to see.

I can only see incomprehensible bars, some numbers and a red line.

I don't understand what is what and the purpose of those numbers, bars and lines.

It's easier for me to compare ordinary quotes, that's why I've told you.


Let's play a game. Let's say we find out (with the help of the WORST research, of course)) that the causes are X. Not Y, not Z, but exactly and only X, for fuck's sake!

What next?

I don't give a shit who leaks. X or Y+Z. What matters is the very identification of the leak. A flush can be traced back to its nature when it took place.

If it is known for certain that a leak took place here and here, and also remember, there and there, then I can combine all of these situations and analyze how the leak can be identified as early as possible.


I don't give a shit who leaks. Whether it's X or Y+Z. It's the identification of the flush itself that matters. A drain can be traced back to its nature, when it took place.

If we know for sure that a drain took place here and here, and remember, there and there, then I can combine all these situations and analyse how to identify the drain as early as possible.

Exactly! Phenomenology is enough. And don't give a shit about "reasons".


You might be able to see.

I can only see incomprehensible bars, some numbers and a red line.

I don't understand what's what and the purpose of these numbers, bars and lines.

They are described and justified in CodeBase.

It's easier for me to compare ordinary quotes, that's why I said so.

So look at the interval when EURUSD was falling sharply before the news, what was happening with other financial instruments. Then you will see that the AUDUSD mirrors the EURUSD.

I saw it right away with the matrix method, which screenshots were shown to me.


I beg your pardon, but you are talking nonsense.

Did you understand what you said?

What, exactly, is unclear?


I was immediately shown this by the matrix method, with screenshots of which I cited.

That's good. Can I get a link to the cattabase?
Well, that's good. Can I get a link to the catbase?
I sent it to you in a message.

Ah-ha, I see, thank you.