Martingale: the maximum possible chain of continuous losses/profits - page 7

Why learn? If a model is created (and a provisional one at that, as it is allowed to be incorrectly modelled) you can simply work with it until it starts to produce errors.

Well, imagine an arbitrage situation, you are sure of profit in advance, or if you are not sure, you just don't make a trade. If your model is much weaker, if it's not based on reliable data, it's gone.

The model cannot be changed indefinitely, you can only tweak it a little, add a little so that trades are made more often.

In that case, you need to first understand what you call a martin, it seems that everyone has his own understanding.

Yes, you're right, that's probably why when writing serious scientific papers (and even diplomas) they are forced to introduce terms with a description of their meaning/meaning

But, imho - forex and roulette cannot be compared as systems with a similar mathematical model for probability theory, forex is strongly dependent on the time component, and roulette only on a series of continuous events


I work in a casino. The scoreboard on the steering wheel holds 15 digits. I work a 12-hour shift. During the shift I see at least 1 time when all the scoreboard is either the same colour, or only big numbers, or even/odd. 1 hour = approximately 30 spins(games), 12 hours = 360 games. It turns out that for every 360 games there is at least one series of 15+ games "no ocata".

Forget the martin, take pity on yourself:)

There can't be exactly an identical comparison between forex and casino. If only because the fallen series in forex is visible on the chart. And going into the game after the series has ended increases the odds.

For example, roulette, always bet on black, what is the possible maximum length of the series of losses / profits may fall in a series of bets, for example, 1 000 000?

There is a calculator from Meta Driver, but there are some restrictions when calculating chains, or maybe my hands are wrong...

It turns out that for the maximum series there are about 13-15 continuous losses/profits?


I work in a casino. The scoreboard on the wheel holds 15 digits. I work a 12-hour shift. During the shift I see at least 1 time when all the scoreboard is either the same colour or only big numbers, or even/odd. 1 hour = approximately 30 spins(games), 12 hours = 360 games. It turns out that for every 360 games there is at least one series in 15+ games "no ocata".

Forget about martin, feel sorry for yourself :)

15.... what is that figure? i too get a maximum of 15, rarely, very rarely have i got to 16-17. Explain why the boundary of the maximum continuous profit/loss chain is at 13-17?


Yes, you're right, that's probably why when writing serious scientific papers (and even diplomas) they are forced to introduce terms with a description of their meaning/meaning

But, imho - forex and roulette cannot be compared as systems with a similar mathematical model for probability theory, forex is strongly dependent on the time component, and roulette only on a series of continuous events

and from the croupier )
There cannot be a completely identical comparison between forex and casino. If only because the fallen series in forex is visible on the chart. And going into the game after a completed series increases the odds.

That's what you think:)

And I have access to statistics not only for the last 15 numbers on the wheel, but also for a month, a year... for the whole time this scoreboard server has been running:)

And the charts there, believe me, are not much different from forex:)


15.... what is that figure? i too get a maximum of 15, rarely, very rarely have i got to 16-17. Explain why the boundary of the maximum continuous profit/loss chain is at 13-17?

Probably never more than that.

well, imagine an arbitrage situation, you are sure of a profit in advance, or if you are not sure, you just don't make the trade. If your model is much weaker, if it's not based on reliable data, it's gone.

The model cannot be changed indefinitely, you can only tweak it a little, add a little so that trades are made more often.

In my opinion, 2 models are enough, the first is to work in a trend, the second is to work in a flat (but then again, both flat and trend are different, I have to agree with the training) ).

That's what you think:)

And I have access to statistics not only for the last 15 numbers on the wheel, but also for a month, a year... for the whole time this scoreboard server has been running:)

And the charts there, believe me, are not much different from forex:)

what is the maximum, continuous series of one colour falling out?

For example, roulette, always bet on black, what is the possible maximum length of the series of losses / profits may fall in a series of bets, for example, 1 000 000?

There is a calculator from Meta Driver, but there are some restrictions when calculating the chains, or maybe my hands are wrong...

It follows, that for maximal series there are about 13-15 continuous losses/profits ?

Have you actually looked around the forum or do you prefer to indulge in illusions?

The maximal series is not limited. If it was limited, it would be a cakewalk to make a profit. Even if the limitation was just a big one, you could work in a huddle by pooling deposits.

Martin is like a drug, a cruel creature.