Martingale: the maximum possible chain of continuous losses/profits - page 12


It seems to me that the question of the topic has not been formulated correctly.

This is why the topic is not attended by acknowledged experts who know the math.

On the one hand Max gave an example from his personal observations. how many times a single result fell out (I call it -27). the length of the series. i.e. practice.

On the other hand theoretically there is a probability that all deals in a series (1 000 000) will have the same values .

As for the "calculators", the machine will calculate what the user put into it (initial data) and according to the algorithm, which the user also put into it. Therefore all the results of calculations are very subjective.

Vladimir, for the sake of interest, read the article about the operation and methods of AC. Just refresh your knowledge on this subject. In the light of this article "Bare mathematics" and the statistics calculated on its basis become less relevant.

Thanks, I read it, there's more specific information...

You know, my position on DC issue is as follows, any problem is solvable, for that it must be broken down into components, i.e. split up, and step-by-step approach to each, each, not all at once. The technical side of dealing is the last and logically reasonable part of the puzzle and the most profitable trading on the market, or the last puzzle in the puzzle.

To achieve it, we should first obtain a profitable trading algorithm and create the TS based on it, and only then think about where, how and when to trade to avoid "technical" problems on the opposite side of the monitor.

When someone was whining one more time and blamed all his failures on a damn brokerage company, and a respected guy was "straight in the head"... The main thing is to create a profitable trading algorithm and then, if it is really like that, you may find a decent place to trade, i.e. a broker or adjust to the requirements and work methods of previous ones.

You know why they whine? Because they have nothing, so they find someone to blame.


There was an error when I clicked on the button "Calculate statistics by length of continuous strings".

changed the index variable type from Integer to Long


There was an error when I clicked on the button "Calculate statistics by length of continuous strings".

changed the index variable type from Integer to Long

Thank you kind man, everything works

Vova, this must be for you.

He has a martin with "random" entry and exit either on stop or on tp


I will not tell you about my strategy, but in recent years I am convinced that in the currency markets as in all There are no rules that can be used from one city to predict the market by itself, so, my EA is completely random,

in fact

using the strategy this week I would be in USD -1200. In this regard I pity those who were excluded just because their profit is too low in the pre-test by organizers.

Sure, as it may seem absurd even my Then I will wrap questions with just one: does it make sense to look for an entry signal or fix profit and stop loss correctly so they can adapt to the market? About a year ago I said that there is no magic formula

(mathematics) that can explain all movements. .


I bet you a beer he'll sell out . Sanek owes me a beer, will owe you one.

It's time for a WBeer purse kind of thing.


1. Vova, this must be for you

h ttps://

He has a martin with "random" entry and exit either on stop or on tp

2. I bet you a beer that he'll sell out. Sanek owes me a beer, he'll owe you one.

It's time for a WBeer wallet.

1. What makes you think I have as primitive?

2. He'll lose, I'm not going to argue...


1. What makes you think I'm that primitive?:) Martin is not the same as Martin...

2. Of course he'll lose, I'm not going to argue...

All right, have a beer.

All right, have a beer.

yeah, you're a strong arguer :)

Yeah, you're a strong debater :)

There's a lot of martins out there by the way, martins are replacing the pips

By the way, you often see Martins there, Martins are replacing Pips players in the Championship

Do you think the Championship reflects "fashion trends"? I don't think so..., there are a couple of hundred participants, the Belarusians, they're all in one bunch:)

Well, the cup in any case reflects, of course, the current fashions.

"Longs turn ... turn longs ... into elegant shorts."