Market model: constant throughput - page 22


BP1 is there ...

mark the abbreviations


A unit of information is 1 bit or 1 to several bits. i.e. as many as are needed for a unit of information ?


"" It is obvious that if BP1 contains an amount of information N, then BP2 = BP1 * Const contains an amount of information equal also to N "" either not obvious or not understood (


BP1 is there ...

mark the abbreviations

Time series, e.g. hour

A time line, like an hour.
so does it abbreviate in Russian or Latin? If there is no N in Russian, we take it as Latin, respectively BP1 (read as BP1). Definitely need to define the abbreviations that would not be unnecessary questions.
Is he doing it in Russian or in Latin? If there is no N in Russian, then we take it in Latin, respectively BP1 (read as BP1). Definitely need to define the abbreviations that would not be unnecessary questions.

Well, there are abbreviations that were established historically, it's better not to touch them, on the forum in general, half of the disputes over the different understanding of the words

You know, like martingale or martingale, who cares and it's a fight to the death.)

If you want to pick a fight, make a topic like " what is a trend " . 2 or 3 banned in a couple of days.


About the concept of information:

There are two objects that are connected to each other by a communication channel. The objects can be people, computers, etc. The communication channel has a limited bandwidth.

The objects on the communication channel can exchange data. The data can be represented in any form.

The bandwidth of a channel can be expressed in terms of the number of bits transmitted per unit time.

The most common way to speed up data transmission is to use encryption to reduce the encoded data, which takes up fewer bits. This is then decrypted after transmission.

The information contained in the data is the smallest set of bits that can be transferred and restored to the original data. The amount of information is the number of bits in that smallest set.

Obviously, if BP1 contains amount of information N, then BP2 = BP1 * Const contains amount of information equal to N as well. Reasoning a little further, but also simply, we can argue that if BP1 and BP2 have a rigid functional relationship, they contain the same amount of information. And if you need to transmit both BP1 and BP2 at once, you don't need to transmit N+N amount of information. You have to transmit a bit more than N

Hm, dear man, do you even have a background in telecommunications or at least communications? Who taught you that coding is "to reduce coded data,"

coding is used for interference-proof systems or for information encryption, coding is always redundant, to remove this redundancy phase coding is used, ie the following block of information carries data that has changed relative to the previous site

and in general before raising a theme with a bent for a scientific substantiation, begin to study terminology, and do not forget to give ambient references to terms

Alternatively, you can get some information here: http: //


hm, dear, do you have a professional education in telecommunications or at least in communication? who taught you that coding is "to reduce coded data"?

coding is used for interference-protected systems or for information encryption, coding is always redundant, to remove this redundancy phase coding is used, i.e. the subsequent block of information carries data which have changed relative to the previous part

and in general before raising a theme with a bent for a scientific substantiation, begin to study terminology, and do not forget to give ambient references to terms

Alternatively, you could also get some from here: http: //

he was obviously referring to compression (archiving)

he was obviously referring to compression (archiving)
is this also historical?
hrenfx: The information contained in the data is the smallest set of bits that can be transferred and restored to the original data. The amount of information is the number of bits in that smallest set.

This is your own definition of information, not practically applicable. Let's better get down to earth and try to figure out how to apply all this stuff practically, for trading.

P.S. Yeah, just kidding around a bit. Autumnal aggravation. Sorry, bros.

is that historically too?

This is an assumption