Does any of the TA work on tick charts? - page 8


The topic is kind of funny ... The discussion is even funnier. We've gone deep into arguments and polemics without getting to the bottom of it:

1. you need bars to analyze the market ... bar analysis is the "bread" of analysts - that's their profession ..., and trading requires full information about the market, and it's impossible to get this information on the forex market ... Complete information about trades is available only on the stock exchange, it is official and accessible. Tick on the stock exchange and forex are different things! ... Why mix it up.

2. You toil in the MT environment with a persistence worthy of better use, trying to beat your "opponent" on his terms ... strange, isn't it? ... ...very reminiscent of this story


Not at all. Who told you, for example, that you can only trade on bars? ;)

The fact that everyone trades by looking at MetaTrader bar charts does not mean that there cannot be anything else in the nature. I've already mentioned EquiVolume Charts, and then there are tic-tac-toe charts. I made an x0 indicator for myself precisely because bars "did not suit me". As it turns out, there are a lot of people who trade using them, there's even a special analytical trading software called "Bull's-eye". But crosses are more suitable for large movements and they require decent depo to work properly. I have a good feeling with my X0 indicator, it works with all TA indicators, but because of the peculiarities of the chart they show inadequate things there.

Well, I decided to try it on small ones, as it did not work with big numbers. The problem is that I have tried small numbers and it turned out very interesting: I can enter with big lots, but with small stops. I know that the scalping is evil, but this evil allows me to earn with 0.1 lot in a few seconds what takes days or even weeks with 0.01 lot.

And that's where your fly story gets turned upside down. And it's no longer me pounding on the glass, but perhaps you? :))


Not at all. Who told you, for example, that you can only trade on bars? ;)

The fact that everyone trades by looking at MetaTrader bar charts does not mean that there cannot be anything else in the nature. I've already mentioned EquiVolume Charts, and then there are tic-tac-toe charts. I just made an x0 indicator for myself because bars "did not suit me". As it turns out, there are a lot of people who trade using them, there's even a special analytical trading software called "Bull's-eye". But crosses are more suitable for large movements and they require decent depo to work properly. I have a good feeling with my X0 indicator, it works with all TA indicators, but because of the peculiarities of the chart they show inadequate things there.

Well, I decided to try it on small ones, as it did not work with big numbers. The problem is that I have tried small numbers and it turned out very interesting: I can enter with big lots, but with small stops. I know that the scalping is evil, but this evil allows me to earn with 0.1 lot in a few seconds what takes days or even weeks with 0.01 lot.

And that's where your fly story gets turned upside down. And it's no longer me pounding on the glass, but perhaps you? :))

I agree. I myself have also given up long-term positions and even medium-term positions. i think trading with large lots and short stops is very promising... and why is pipsing suddenly an evil? trading with large lots and short stops is very promising... Why is pips trading suddenly an evil?
and why is pipsqueak evil all of a sudden ??? .... all evil is allowing a trader to make money...

This is exactly the reason why automatic pips machines do not work in "our" brokerage houses. because it is evil for them. They get angry at us and our pipsing becomes evil for us :(


This is exactly the reason why automatic pips machines do not work in "our" brokerage houses. because it is evil for them. They get angry at us and our pipsetting becomes evil for us :(


well, pipsing is banned under the guise that it supposedly puts a big load on trading servers ::)))) seems to be our problem. put powerful servers to withstand a thousand pipsers ;)) but it is "banned", yes and requotes..... and loss of connection, and little else.....

And what is the chart? and what is the blue line doing there at zero? or even below zero?


the price is the same as I described above (a pyramid so to speak ... trades with a unidirectional trend on a higher price are closed based on losses, before it changes and open depending on conditions on lower prices ... in the direction of the trend) the blue balance and green equity ... the balance is not important (no free money if trades are not going to happen) what matters is the equity.

The system is not a technical problem ... even with a desktop computer instead of a server (the server is good enough for a dead giveaway)

the reason is not technical ... it's just sabotage by the dealers ... the mt settings give them too much scope for that ... They offer the same as regular cn accounts, where the execution is much better... and there are fewer requotes... and the platform is the same...


The topic is kind of funny ... The discussion is even funnier. The discussion has become even more amusing:

It's a cult - teak, here.

I think I have been misunderstood .... I trade in ticks and look at the 1pp rennge bars... my whole trading strategy is based on ticks... I trade at Dorman Trading on Ninja Trader ... stop orders at 4-6 pips ... Profits on my TS planned 7-20 pips ... using Eds indicator (Eds vol price bar) I am tracking withdrawal from the market of one of the trading parties ...

It amazes me how firmly the MT - Metakvot psychology and trading technology, which has nothing to do with the current rules on the stock market and forex, settles in the heads of traders. Strangely enough, their minds are so firmly planted in the belief that what MT "offices" offer is the market .... and there is no other option! ... smart people have been working underground to somehow accumulate and display ticks, and use strange "classic" indicators that normal traders don't use ... and used only by analysts! ... ANALYSTS - THAT'S ANOTHER PROFESSION, GENTLEMEN!!!

Gentlemen, all that you are discussing, is in any normal platform! ... You don't have to invent anything. And scalper - there's no such expression in a normal trading environment... there with a guaranteed execution speed of 100 ms, trade in two pips of profit ... as you like!!! ... and there are no restrictions, because they don't make any sense!!! ... and the commission is worked out in one point...

And about the programming language - C# ... is simple and understandable to any programmer ... so there is no contraindication to go to the MARKET ...


The topic is kind of funny ...

Please look into the private line.