Adviser to the whole world - page 36

Because all REAL reports are not those parabolas upwards which like to shine like a torch. The REAL report is a boring snaking line, slowly creeping upwards through a series of trades. Nothing remarkable about it.

Paukas says that posting the real report will damage karma - I should consult...

Paukas says that posting the stats from the reals ruins karma - should be consulted...

When you put up the account number you risk a lot ... starting with the fact that there will always be those who want to hack it ... (starting with the brokerage house that hosts the account and ending with the myriad of "handymen")

it's stupid to shake your wallet in front of the world !


No one is showing the real because no one has a profit.

Such is the disappointing conclusion.

Now I see why you boast about your achievements on the avalanche, but don't show the real.

You're risking a lot when you post the account number... starting with the fact that there will always be those who want to hack it... (starting with the brokerage house which hosts the account and ending with a great many "craftsmen")

Tell that to "Alpari" or "Fibo Group", for example -- everything is publicly available there.
Tell that to Alpari or Fibo Group, for example - everything there is in the public domain.

That's how their clients are periodically attacked by hackers of all kinds... And not without success ! I can give you examples and even a number of hacked accounts !

Knowing where the money is, there will always be someone who knows how to pocket it...

That's how their clients are periodically attacked by hackers of all kinds... and not without success ! I can give you examples and even a number of hacked accounts !
Be my guest.
If you would be so kind.
46091 Yermakov Ilya...-a recent prime example! Just make a noise and examples will pour in from all sides!!!
46091 Yermakov Ilya...- a recent case in point! Just raise a hue and examples will pour in from all sides!!!

There's no such thing...

Was Alpari hacked or the user himself?

If the user himself - maybe he is a little bit in the cannon?


There's no such thing...

Was Alpari hacked or the user himself?

If the user himself, then maybe he is a little bit of a gun himself?

Hacked into his dc account... withdrew the money (lucky to have blocked the transfer to the hacker's account)
hacked into his dc account... withdrew the money (lucky I managed to block the transfer to the hacker's account)
Can I get a direct link?