Adviser to the whole world - page 39

They don't give those shoulders...

500 to one at most. However, if you do the maths, my system will collapse on the big leverage.

25 с +++ :-)))) No one can beat Slava, because he's the MASTER of UNIVERSE, with a significant lead over 2nd place,

so there's no point...

I'm laughing myself. But the fact remains.

And I'm already helping Slava. He's been struggling for a long time. For his persistence. And he writes beautiful codes. I don't care - he's got a painting. It's nice to look at.


You are certainly right in what you write. In fact, no matter how much I twist things around, they don't go the way they should. But the main thing is that they still can't change what is obvious. I checked. The main thing is to withstand their onslaught. Profits are dropping to twice a month.

Knowing that, I've made arrangements to not show them any stops or profits.

Try a sex change . This will confuse THEY, throw them off balance and market YOURSELF

I'll let you know how it goes.


Try a sex change . This will confuse them, throw them off balance and market YOURSELF

report back later on how it went.

Think about what you're writing. This will make it worse, THEY will also start harassing you.

Try a sex change . This will confuse them, throw them off balance and market YOURSELF

report back later on how it went.

I'll be sure to do it. I want parquet. I'll be sure to report back. More than once, I think.

Try a sex change . This will confuse them, throw them off balance and market YOURSELF

report back later on how it went.

No way, IMHO: you have to start with the roof.

Think about what you're writing. This will make it even worse, THEY will also start harassing you.

I've already written to them - money or a guarantee - I can earn unlimited. You know, like an official paper. They won't say a word. They think for sure, because they do not notice my progress in real life. I would rather say they want to fight first. However, as long as I bring Depot back to a grand (initial) plus the doubling, at most, as advised to try here before - will be more than a month. I can't invest any more yet. There are other expenses. Although I'm even more interested in starting with 50 quid. We'll still have to fight and fix the system.

I've already written to them - it's either money or a guarantee - I can make unlimited money. You know, like an official paper. They're not saying anything. They must be thinking,
I should send copies to the UN, Greenpeace, WHO, etc.
at SPORTLOTO... there all questions are solved there....
at SPORTLOTO... there all questions are solved there....

I had no luck at SPORTLOTO. I won a radio as a kid in a money and stuff place, I think it was DOSAAF or something. My mum asked me to take a ticket out of the pack and paid for it. Otherwise... Especially in SPORTLOTO already calculated everything, well, the percentage of maximum population winnings for luck. That's something else entirely.