Adviser to the whole world - page 35


Everyone is different...

It's just that I'm kind of in a bind.

I don't need to show it off just for bragging rights.

On the other hand, it hurts when they start sniffing around.

So I think to monitor or not.



But on the other hand, it hurts when they start sniffing around, like you're a tinkerer...

I'm thinking about whether or not to monitor.

You're a person of interest, so you shouldn't be offended.

The answer's unequivocal -- monitor.

Even if you lose the account, you'll get a lot of experience.

Publicity helps.

That's the way it is.


You're a person of interest, so there's no need to be offended.

The answer is unequivocal -- monitor.

Even if you lose the account, you get a lot of experience.

Publicity helps.

It's like that.

Well, that's if it's in the DM, then it contributes...

What's the point?


Well, if you take it in the remote control, then it helps...

But why?

Observing an EA on a demo and on a real account are two big differences.

The difference is even greater when there is public monitoring.

The creation and optimization are perceived quite differently.

You need to experience it firsthand.

Try it, do not be lazy - you will see.


Observing an EA on a demo and on a real account are two big differences.

The difference is even greater when there is public monitoring.

The creation and optimization are perceived quite differently.

You need to experience it firsthand.

Try it, don't be lazy, you will see for yourself.

The thing is, I've been trading on those different owls for about 8 months now. I don't optimise anything, at all.

I am trading on the real, I have completely abandoned my job.

And it wouldn't change anything for me if I locked up my accounts.


The thing is, I've been trading those different owls for about eight months now. I'm not optimizing anything, not at all.

I'm a real trader, I've completely abandoned my job.

And it wouldn't make any difference to me if I locked up my accounts.

No one's forcing you. You don't want to do it, don't do it.

I don't give a rat's ass what you're doing.

But nobody's gonna take you seriously, either.


Reading your posts Sveta...


No offence...

I remember you on this forum maybe a year ago, you were kind and cheerful, your jokes were soft and sweet...

What happened to you now?

Are you gone now?


Reading your posts Sveta...


No offence...

I remember you on this forum maybe a year ago, you were kind and cheerful, your jokes were soft and sweet...

What happened to you now?

Are you gone now?

It's more the other way around -- hardened.
It's more like the opposite -- I've been hardened.

It didn't turn out well :)))

OK, I'm off to bed.

Good luck, everyone.



Can I ask you a silly question?

I started taking part in forums a long time ago, a monk about two years ago...

And I didn't have much to brag about back then. But I realized that no one is posting real reports...


I now have something to show, I just still do not understand why no one puts them out...

I'm not posting them either, I don't know why...

Stupid, I know, but enlighten me INSTUDENTLY....

What is the consequence ?

Because all REAL reports are not those parabolas upwards which like to shine like a torch. The REAL report is a boring snaggy line slowly creeping upwards through a series of trades. There is nothing remarkable about it.