Probability assessment is purely mathematical - page 7


If there are 30% dry trees in the forest, it is possible that a squirrel will collapse with a dry branch with 100% probability :)

Poor squirrel, he has no chance :(

It is logical, and the problem statement says: the factors are independent. There are also cases where the conditions contradict common sense:)

No, the solution contradicts common sense.

Good. More correct conditions, without taking the deadwood into account)

If a bear cub perches on a branch, it will be thrown together with the branch with probability 0.6

If a squirrel jumps on a branch, the branch will break with probability 0.3

If these two beasts climb the branch at the same time, the probability, given the given problem conditions, cannot be determined.

It depends more on resilience than on probabilities :)


No, it's not a common sense decision.

OK. More correct conditions, not including deadwood)

If a bear cub sits on a branch, it will fall with the branch with probability 0.6

If a squirrel jumps on a branch, the branch will break with probability 0.3

If these two beasts climb the branch at the same time, the probability, given the given problem conditions, cannot be determined.

It depends more on resilience than on probabilities :)

That is, if two snipers want to shoot a terrorist. One will hit with a 0.6 probability, the other with a 0.3 probability. If they shoot at the same time, then the probability that the terrorist will be killed will not get?
I mean, if two snipers want to shoot a terrorist. One shoots with a 0.6 probability, the other with a 0.3 probability. If they shoot at the same time, there's no chance of the terrorist being killed?

that's a whole other story.)

There is no overlap of probabilities here, you can solve it "classically" :)

That is, if two snipers want to shoot a terrorist. One shoots with a 0.6 probability, the other with a 0.3 probability. If they shoot at the same time, then the probability of the terrorist being killed doesn't get ?
then exactly 0.72: two bullets kill as well as one. As opposed to a bear cub and a squirrel helping each other to break a branch.

Conditions in the generalised case are meaningless.

It depends on the market situation


Conditions in the generalised case are meaningless.

It depends on the market situation

The problem is not directly related to the market.

Thank you all for your help!!!


The task is not directly related to the market.

Thank you all for your help!!!

Does this mean that you are treating market events as a random process? In that case - your trade has a negative mathematical expectation.
Does this mean that you interpret market events as a random process? In that case - your trading has a negative mathematical expectation.

I said it has little to do with the market and therefore trading in general.

How did you draw the conclusion about my maturity expectation ? I don't trade forex at all, I trade funds and make rather long-term investments (up to 5 years). When you see in the reports that a company has acquired a chain of shops... it's hard to call it a random process :)

But I do keep an eye on forex.


I said it has little to do with the market and therefore trading in general.

How did you draw the conclusion about my maturity expectation ? I don't trade forex at all, I trade funds and make rather long-term investments (up to 5 years). When you see in the reports that a company has acquired a chain of shops... it's hard to call it a random process :)

А. Well then the question of the probability of achieving/not achieving a profit is - how shall I put it - legally negligible :-)

By the way, "Forex" is no more connected with "mathematical expectation" than the height of a solitary tree with the volume of logging in Brazil.

I mean that the mathematical expectation of a quantity is a concept that applies not only to forex )