Probability assessment is purely mathematical - page 19

Is there a multi-currency tester?
There is multi-currency monitoring. =)

Well, then we'll talk about it "at least in a year" ))

Why should he try to convince all doubters of someone's correctness? That's a salesman's trick, look, it works like this and costs this much! Don't be stingy, buy it now ...
the guy started a blog about six months ago, demonstrated his approach to trading which was strikingly different from what he was accustomed to (although he did not demonstrate it very willingly, which is true), and some had the strength to understand, while others were still "just laughing".


So you can monitor it already.

In fact, he's a liar and a swindler. And to Yalta...

And as far as trading goes. Locking and martingale is a diagnosis of trader's unfitness.


and handicaps in particular


So, has it come?

In forensics, the future is a hundred percent certain. It's a dump. We don't know when, though. =)

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