Who trades on the Live LAVINA system? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY LOSSES? - page 17


Yes, correct me if I say something wrong, but I think there are more purely engineering problems in this forex business than purely mathematical ones. That is, there are more practical issues to be solved than theoretical ones. And I can't clearly single out any one of these groups in terms of importance. Engineering problems are no less important.

To research something, you have to write an algorithm or ten. To sell it later, you have to write two or ten more. To make it all work, you have to work with software.

I can't really say how it affects the odds.


Why then are there so few maths professors who are billionaires? Soros is not a mathematician, neither is Buffett.

There is no need to twist things around. Billionaires don't form the basis of statistics anyway, you can't judge by them alone. Simons, on the other hand, is a billionaire mathematician, but that fact doesn't prove anything either.

If you take Schwager and draw a sample of successful traders he surveyed were profesional mathematicians - how many will it turn out?

If we take Taleb and see what he writes about Niederhoffer, that genius was lucky just longer than others.

gip : Thank you for not drawing such a wonderful and unambiguous conclusion that mathematicians have much better chances than, say, physicists or economists :)

Not addressed to me, but I'll cut in. I did not draw that conclusion. I was referring in general to someone who has a more serious concept of mathematics than arithmetic operations.


Apparently because money is not an end in itself for everyone. The last example is Perelman.

This branch is not indicative, there are no traders there, people are guessing by coffee grounds out of nothing to do.

This is the approach with which 95% of supposed traders go broke.

1. We are talking about mathematicians who specifically went to work in the financial markets. For them, money is the goal.

2) Which one is an illustration? Those threads where people try to apply statistical methods quickly die out for a certain reason. Mr. Reshetov tries to compensate for this problem with an unknown outcome. Which branches are indicative?

3. I don't get it here. Is there a more complicated calculation somewhere in TA?


There's no need to twist things around. Billionaires don't form the basis of statistics anyway, you can't judge by them alone. Simons is a billionaire mathematician, but that fact doesn't prove anything either.

You and I have no statistics about typical forex millionaires and their education. So there is no evidence for or against here. The only sample is Schwager. One there, if I'm not mistaken, was a mathematician. The rest are from the farm.


You and I have no statistics on the typical forex millionaires and their education. So there is no evidence for or against here. The only sample is Schwager. One there, if I am not mistaken, was a mathematician. The rest are from the farm.

FAGOTT, you are being overly categorical, not very convincing and not reading my answers carefully. I don't want to argue about it anymore. You don't like maths and maths - what's there to talk about?


1. We are talking about mathematicians, who specifically went to work in the financial markets. For them, the money is the goal.

Do you have statistics on the number of mathematicians in the financial markets and their successes/failures? Please share.

I read somewhere, either by Kolmogorov or by Shiryaev, about the success their students (mathematicians) have achieved in the financial markets. The successes are real.


Do you have statistics about the number of mathematicians in the financial markets and their successes/failures? Share.

I read somewhere, either by Kolmogorov or by Shiryaev, about the success their students (mathematicians) have achieved in the financial markets. The successes are real.

from Shiryaev, but he doesn't know for sure himself - he only saw what cars they drive :)

Shiryaev, but he doesn't know for sure himself - he only saw what cars they drive :)

Yes, I remember, thank you.

He also said that his students are all recruited to America, financial mathematicians.


For example, I am on this forum because the concentration of mathematicians, programmers and representatives of other exact sciences here is many times higher than on other forums. In general, it is better to rotate among people who excel in the subject you are interested in. It is necessary for development.


I transferred the numbers from notepad to Excel, of course they "blur" in the cells... I have to delete the value and immediately write it into the corresponding cell by hand, but how can I do it with the help of Excel itself? I don't know, align, arrange, divide the values into cells, etc... I only need to enter the data from notepad into Excel once.