Someone scribble a script for 5 wmz. - page 13


Did you mean power used? Lest absentees think they've lost a lot, here's a copy of your post, the value of which consists only in boldly insulting moderators, and falling under the "disrespectful to the administration" clause of the rules.

Fair enough.



Please do not write again. Any questions should be directed to me or Matemat. Or you can go straight to Roche.

All further messages will be deleted


Hello all! I'm now being asked by some acquaintances on Facebook, like - "what? - You bought the "dare" and posted the simplest blueprint of what the author of the branch asked for?

I told you, the club will look at it askew, it's better to send a secret corner of the "blind" and the rest, you're all predictable - where do you make money without the help of the director of forex

now i will create a script, there will be questions, but if i can test it, i owe you 5 vmz as promised and a new lossless adviser


leonid553 You have my respect. For what? No reason. (I didn't watch it, not interested).


leonid553 You have my respect. For what? No reason. (I didn't watch the adviser, he's not interested).

And thank you from the Director! (Just in case it turns out to be profitable...)


And a thank you from the Director himself! (Just in case the councillor turns out to be profitable...)

Neither the advisor nor the director are interested...:) I just like normal, adequate people who go against the majority opinion.

neither the councillor nor the director are interested...:) I just like normal, adequate people who go against the majority opinion.

This code compiles with four errors, maybe there are brackets missing?

extern double TakeProfit = 120;
extern double StopLoss = 120;
extern double Lots = 0.1;

//| |
int start()
if ( DayOfWeek()==4){/if today is Thursday
if ( Hour()== 23) {// if it is 23 hours terminal time
if ( NumberOfPositions(NULL,OP_BUY, Magic )==0 ) { //if there are no open buy positions
//"if the price of the open 46 of the 30M Thursday is less than the price of the open 46 of the 30M Wednesday,"(c)
//"and the price of Wednesday open is higher than the price of Tuesday open"(c),
//"and also the price of Tuesday's opener is higher than Monday's opener" (with),
if ( Close[1]<= Open[24] && Close[23]>=Open[48] && Close[47]>=Open[72]) {

ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask+StopLoss*Point,3,0,Ask+TakeProfit*Point, "Name_Expert",16384,0,Green);
else Print("Error opening BUY order: ",GetLastError());

if ( DayOfWeek()==5 && Hour() == 23){/if today is Friday, 23-00
ClosePositions(NULL,OP_BUY, Magic); }

//the end.


You'd better take it up with the developer before we tell you who's missing brackets at what point.

No, he has 42 paragraphs compiled, he's a complex thinker, and here he could be compiled with just 4 and the result should be the same