Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 42

Your comments make me want to delete the terminal and the forum from my favourites and go for a beer...
Your comments make me want to delete the terminal and the forum from my favourites and go for a beer...

It's not about TA, which works fine for itself, but about the fact that people who come to forex should understand that they need more patience than marathon runners. Because two or three months of successful work may be undone by an extra bottle of tea, loss of connection with the server, choosing 1 lot instead of 0.1 - oh, I pressed the wrong button... what's the big deal? It's walking on a razor's edge, with that kind of leverage! But TA has the least to do with the fact that most people lose money. IMHO. It works quite well for itself.


By the way, I have never once said that TA is not needed. How is it not necessary? It's all we have! Of course we do, what choice do we have...

But who did this TA give us what we wanted? Hey, speak up! Day by day, day by night...

Ah, here's another one. Why so few?

Maybe it wasn't TA at all.

think about it

A craftsman, you say. If you hit a nail with a hammer, of course it will hammer into the board. But you might not hit the nail. So maybe learning the craft is all about hitting the nail, rather than getting it hammered in.

When America was discovered, hordes of people who wanted to get rich quick rushed there. Some did, but the bulk became labourers and servants. Same thing in the markets. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, everyone rushed into trade. Just a few, the rest stayed with their money or lost. It is the same with forex. If a person has the ability to do the job plus additional knowledge, experience comes with it. But not everyone has it, of course. Like poets can not be all like Alexander Pushkin. Even turners are different and welders for example. You need a natural gift, of course. But it is not the TA's fault, excuse me, gentlemen. How can I determine the direction of the price? Only TA plus FA. And if I'm wrong? So I don't bet BA-Bank even with a high degree of confidence. The first three to five years everyone plays forex, and only then start working if they have had the patience to learn.



I repeat " And I'm writing this frankly, as you can't explain anything, you will continue to read books and hang out on forums like this and bring your pittance to the field of miracles".

How quickly you have confirmed my post, it just makes my heart rejoice!

Judging by your nickname you're a respectable man looking for something on the forum. You're not looking for recipes for baking chicken legs. Are you looking for a TA strawman or are you a Greenpeace advocate only to protect the poor from forex? If you can't make a profit, is it TA's fault?
Judging by your nickname you're a respectable man looking for something on the forum. You're not looking for recipes for baking chicken legs. Are you looking for a TA strawman or are you a Greenpeace advocate only to protect the poor from forex? If you can't make a profit it's TA's fault?

What has TA got to do with it? I didn't say anything about TA. It's all very funny from the outside, why not have some fun.

There you go again, not everyone has it, not everyone is capable... Forget about your exceptional abilities for a second, it's about methods.

On page 3, I've already laid out the difference betweena clear skill system and shamanism. A system can be taught and learned, shamanism is a heck of a thing.

Geographical map... Unfortunate example, everything is clear and definite there, it would be a desire to understand. The same can be applied to trigonometry, organic chemistry or the romance of Germanic poets... None of it is simple, but everything is manageable, because it is clearly defined.

And nowhere do you have to cross your fingers for luck...

Because TA doesn't work, it works. Or it doesn't work... Or it works, after it doesn't work... All classic TA can do is make the game, the game, a little more winnable, whether for a long time or not...

Unless there's a secret to the game... Which is looking for all present! ))

Good luck, colleagues.))

There is an interesting short article in the link given ( showing the application of TA in practice. What more proof do you need?

As they used to say in our military school: "Learn the basics!" And don't hammer screws into the wall but screw them in with a screwdriver - your fingers will be safe and the painting will last longer ;)

That's the trick, knowing how to do it helps very few people....

You can point to some very knowledgeable and intelligent people on this forum who

Knowing the math didn't help one achieve success in forex....

There is an interesting short article in the link given ( showing the application of TA in practice. What more proof do you need?
Funny, thanks for the spam.