Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 40


Gentlemen suckers! Forget what I wrote and take your money to the field of wonders called Forex. Your results are predetermined! And I'm writing this frankly, because it's impossible to explain anything to you, you will continue to read books and you will hang out on similar forums and bring your pittance to the field of wonders.

Virtually all literature on the financial markets is an instruction manual for suckers so that they know where to take their money in the field of miracles. These people are destined to lose, because no amount of self-education will help a person to win in the financial markets. Sometimes this idea slips through the forums, but it always gets bogged down. Here is an example from my own life.

At the dawn of privatization, Chubais gathered together a group of would-be check-cashing fund managers and sent them to a free training course in Golitsyno, a sanatorium. Among the teachers there were English investment fund managers among the various chequers and zlatkis. On the first day, in the morning, after breakfast, everyone was assembled in the assembly hall, five hundred freeloaders gathered, the list of lecturers announced to them and told that the Englishmen would be reading in English. They handed out questionnaires - born, educated, married. Each of the freeloaders, who thought they were cool asset managers on the basis of having read a few books! (and your humble servant) realised that they should be screened based on their knowledge of English. Everyone wrote - fluent. In an hour, they were collecting everybody and reading the names of those who were staying - about 50 people - the rest were asked to clear rooms by noon. The others were asked to clear their rooms by 12 p.m. The detainees began to indignantly say "we read books in English" and began to name these clever books. An Englishman stood up and said: "You don't need to read books, you need to have a basic mathematical education and at least five years of experience. Only people with that kind of education can explain anything, while the rest of us can't even explain anything, let alone teach!

Gentlemen suckers! Forget what I wrote and take your money to the field of wonders called Forex. Your results are predetermined! And I'm writing this frankly, because you can't explain anything, you will continue to read books and you will hang out on such forums and bring your pittance on the field of wonders.

The suckers are those who took the words of some Englishman as truth and referring to his statement - "You shouldn't read books...", they say: "Almost all literature on financial markets is an instruction for suckers to know where to take their money to the field of miracles. The loss of these people is predetermined, because no self-education will help a person to win in the financial markets.

I don't give a shit about that Englishman and the suckers who quote him...


The suckers are those who took the words of some Englishman as truth and referring to his statement - "You shouldn't read books...", they say: "Almost all literature on financial markets is an instruction for suckers to know where to take their money to the field of miracles. The loss of these people is predetermined, because no self-education will help a person to win in the financial markets.

I don't give a shit about that Englishman and the suckers who quote him...

I might add: crisis after crisis in the West and they (crises) come to us from there. "If you are so smart, why are you in debt" :-)).
I might add: crisis after crisis in the West and they (crises) come to us from there. "If you are so smart, why are you in debt" :-)).

some Englishman blurted something out in the dark ages... after 20 years he was quoted like a god, he was an Englishman and a man... and you are all idiots... hilarious.

Yeah, some Englishman blurted something out in the boshmata year... 20 years later he's being quoted like a god, like an Englishman... hilarious.
Even if they are successful financiers! - they've come to Russia to make jokes and have fun. (bringing back some outdated technology).
Even if they are successful financiers! - They came to Russia to make jokes and have fun. (They brought back some outdated technology that does not work).


Well, yes, better our native Tajiks (at least they are sincere) than the English....



Yeah, better our native Tajiks (at least they are sincere) than the English....


Let me quote you.

Boris Berezovsky
How to Make BIG MONEY

The book by the famous entrepreneur B.A. Berezovsky, a famous native of Kuban, a successful oil and wine producer, an academician of the Russian Academy of Apperceptive Sciences, an emigrant, deals with the psychological side of financial activity and provides the author's original recipes for success.

Why am I being frank?

I am an old man who has achieved everything in life that one can only dream of. My money will not last the rest of my life and, given the modesty of my needs, it will not last for many lifetimes.
I am no longer interested in making money. As a Jew, with the exception of the last few years, I have lived and worked in Russia, got to know the country and its people well, and studied the strengths and weaknesses of the Russians. Beginning as a ruthless exploiter and Jew, I gradually became imbued with sympathy for the great and ultra-patient Russian people, and now quite sincerely wish them well.
I changed my religion, was baptized into Orthodoxy, and in many respects I have parted ways with the Jewish community and its solidarity, though I have not ceased to be a Jew completely.
My money, wrested first from Russia, is now working for Russia, and my life experience could also serve the Russians. I hope that by publishing with free reprinting rights this (at first intra-corporate confidential) brochure I will do good to people who are desperate and bogged down in insoluble problems.
The truth is that there is no sun for everyone, but there may be enough money in the world for everyone. In order to have it, you first need desire and ability to accept it, and good luck, good luck, good luck again.
Ask any Russian: what is luck? He will answer: luck, which does not depend on us. The Jews were brought up differently. From the early years you were taught that luck is a product of purposeful action, that outwardly accidental events are in fact made by people, their faith and will.
The world is by no means an element of chaos and luck is not as blind as many imagine. People on earth get different amounts of money because they perceive reality differently and experience the world differently.
In order to make you richer, you need a change not from the outside, but from within you. This, if you like, is the magic of success.
Our primitive ancestor used to draw a deer in the sand and strike the imaginary beast with his spear before going hunting. Why would he do that? Simply because of his darkness - or because he knew from the experience of thousands of years that every material action was preceded by a plan, an idea of the future event.
This magic was not primitive, it actually helped the hunter to hunt a real deer. Such is the power of faith - the power to materialise our desires and visions. Or vice versa - to materialise our fears and phobias.
When I, a modest researcher, started a business in the early 90s, I followed very strictly one condition of Western social psychology: "chase away even the most competent employee if he or she degrades the team with pessimism and disbelief in success". At that time I was just following the fashion for the West and did not understand why I was doing it.
Now I know exactly what the point is. If there had been a very intelligent hunter in that ancient tribe who questioned the sand pattern, the tribe would not have harvested a real deer and would have starved to death. You must not joke with faith: placebos (i.e. external material attributes of faith) may be anything, even on sand, even on silk banners, even on wood on icons - but faith itself drives the matter, and it drives exactly as strong as it is.
If you do not believe in the success of a venture, don't start one! - They advise aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. You probably think that's a metaphor, don't you? That the success of a business is only indirectly related to the belief in it? No, it is in a very direct way.

Russian folk proverbs and omens are the hallmarks of folk observation

I have not decided in vain to confirm my thought by means of the folk observations about success and misfortune, luck and misfortune, which everybody knows from childhood. The people have for ages been observing the dynamics of the process of enrichment, and while not always understanding the hidden reasons, they have nevertheless quite accurately characterised the visible side.
"Fools are only given a treasure," the poet Yershov recorded a folk saying. This astonishing observation seems, at first glance, utterly illogical and absurd, but it is true. Why are treasure and, more broadly, wealth given to "fools"? There is a gospel definition of them - "poor in spirit" - less crude, but the essence is the same.
A fool has an interesting feature: when he starts a business, he does not think of all forthcoming difficulties, obstacles, obstacles that a "clever" will place on his mental way in advance. Because of this, the complex turns out to be simple for the "fool". But, it would seem, it is his personal business: if you do not see the wall, it does not mean that you will not break your forehead!
However - what a miracle! - The "fool", not seeing the wall, passes through it without even noticing it, and not only in the fairy tale - all too often in life. He succeeds by himself - apparently, the wall, well seen by the "clever", was in fact imaginary, self-created in the mind, illusory.
This property - the falling out of fortune, especially to commercial, spiritually stupid natures - is neither an accident nor a "succumbing to the heavens". The world is dependent on our perceptions of it. and the more the spiritually refined nature sees obstacles for itself in the world, the more of them (by the same order!) arise. For example, if you put the problem before a refined intellectual: "start a trade", he will think of a thousand reasons for failure beforehand: collusion in the market, the power of wholesale suppliers, racketeering, unstable greedy power, and many other factors. But we often see how this intellectual's neighbour, who went to school for underdeveloped children (even that happens!) suddenly opens a trade and runs it successfully, because due to his stupidity and undeveloped imagination he doesn't think about the difficulties ahead.
We gloat at the "fool", saying that he does not see the trap, and now he will be caught in it! He passes the trap and it is not there. We follow him and get into the long-awaited can-can. What's the matter? We simply live in different worlds. But more about that later.
"Trouble never walks alone", says our proverb. Why so? In a simple probability, misfortune and joy, luck and misfortune should be distributed almost equally, at least chaotically. But people have long noted that fate strikes in clusters. For some reason one misfortune attracts or magnetizes another, the more misfortunes - the more they are added, as if it is bee-like peculiar to them. What is this parable? Luck and misfortune are like a lot, beyond our control, our mind and our will. How can we calculate success or failure in advance? How can we increase or decrease it? Is cheating in the Casino of Fortune possible? About that below, but for now, let us remember firmly: a person subjected to a stroke of bad luck, somehow loses "immunity", and one failure opens the way for others, seemingly unrelated to the pei, in any way.
"The lousy goat spoils the sheep." The direct essence of the proverb is clear - a sick animal affects a healthy one. But it is not about animals and it is not about epidemics. Symbolic meaning of the proverb is different - one member of the group, possessed by some spiritual leprosy is able to spoil the whole group, to corrupt and defile. Why not vice versa, for example? It would seem that the collective has much more opportunities to remake the "goat" in itself. What interest has a "goat" to have in fighting with all those around him? Often it does not even set the goal of remaking someone - everything works out by itself. Social reality changes in the group: from successful group becomes a collection of losers, from exemplary group becomes a crowd of cheaters or whiners. Why? How clearly the factor of "faith" and "will" appears here - we are on the verge of solving the great mystery of the relationship between material reality and the faith and will of man...
"Born with the shirt on" is about a fortunate man. As in the proverb "Trouble does not walk alone" and here it is underlined: as one gets lucky, the probability of getting it again increases. The more victories, the greater the chance of winning again. The more obvious the success, the greater the chance of repeating it. Why? What is this strange correlation? It's like a person has to be convinced they are successful - and then they magically become successful?!
"Money goes to money" is another confirmation of what was said. Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Does the "conspiracy" factor play a role here? If so, who prevents the poor from forming the same "conspiracy"? Questions, questions - and no answer yet...
"Never say 'no' for people before they have said it to you themselves" is a wise and very practical saying. Often a person so visibly, imagines the supposed refusal of his request, so clearly and in roles plays out the scene of his failure, that there is no need to go and find out anything: He himself asked and answered, the request died in him - what more?
But often we have seen situations when such a person has overcome himself and decided to go and find out the real result.
He is not at all surprised when the result is exactly in line with his fertile imagination. It would seem that he has simply calculated the world correctly - but someone else suddenly achieves quite different results with the same starting point as our sceptic. Why?

Metaphysics of the Universe

When an Orthodox Russian reads in the Gospel a clear "instruction for using the Universe" - "ask - and it will be given to you", "If you have faith even with a mustard seed - and you can move mountains, order a tree with roots to throw itself into the ocean", then he is in force features of education understands this as an allegory divorced from life.
A Jew knows better than a Russian that this text must be taken literally, that we have before us an effective system for arranging life. Jesus Christ knew perfectly well the answer to your, reader, question - how to earn big money? Among the Hindus, we find the idea of \u200b\u200b"Maya" - a universal illusion that surrounds a person, a kind of realm of mirages that hides the truth of Brahman. Is material nature an illusion? Is the stable, familiar world around us a mere mirage? And the laws of things that we are accustomed to obey - invented by ourselves?
For myself, I have long decided this question positively. A scientist with a degree and an entrepreneur with millions, I know very well: if tomorrow humanity believes that the earth - I apologize for the expression, a parallelepiped, then angular pictures of our planet will be brought from space.
Already from the school bench, we know that there is no matter, that in appearance schorls and the object consists of particles that are distant from each other in cosmic proportions. And inside the particles there is also emptiness (the electron of the "indivisible" atom is separated from the nucleus in the same way as a pinhead on the last bench of the Luzhniki Stadium (from a tennis ball in the middle of this stadium).
But the nucleus of the atom is just as empty - it has its own elements. While science got to the bottom of "quarks". The time will come, and their emptiness will be proved. So matter does not exist. But maybe there is energy?
The calculations of modern physicists show that the sum of all positively and negatively directed energies in the Universe should be equal to a bullet. Yes, we ourselves know that action is equal to reaction - isn't it a reason to think about the reality of energy?
If there is neither matter nor energy, then maybe there is empty space? Modern science folds space into a mathematical point without volume. Under conditions of infinity, at any point in the universe, mathematically equal segments can be drawn in all directions. But this is the formula of the ball! And, it turns out, we are always in the center of the same ball, no matter how much we move ...
Infinity is not something very huge, as it seems to ordinary consciousness. The huge nevertheless has material parameters, and infinity is deprived of them. Mathematically, it is much closer and more topological to zero than to hulks that confuse the imagination.
The gigantism of the Universe and the loss of a grain of sand in it - a person - is a schizophrenic illusion of the 20th century. It does not reflect the true state of things, but only the painful decadence of the spirit of its creators.
But if we stand on the point of contention of the Hindus with their maya, the illusory nature of the material, then what is it really? It seems to me (and this confirms my commercial experience) that in fact there is a dynamic system of interconnection between the individual and the Universe, which is very flexible and designed for the mental maturity of the individual.
I imagine the universe as an apparatus for illustrating our ideas about it. We briefly enter "Maya" and exist here in the world that we consider it necessary to create for ourselves. It would seem - a fairy tale, the kingdom of dreams!
But the danger lies in the fact that our consciousness is able to model both evil and hell on earth. It is in vain to blame the Universe for this - it only fulfilled our request. You need to blame yourself - that's why the great teachers of mankind insisted on the personal transformation of a person, realizing that it is useless to build a new world with the old views on the universe.
We live in a world of faith and will - and nothing more. Everything else has the character of "placebo". What is placebo? Doctors call it a soother, which is given to the patient under the guise of medicine. Believing that this is a medicine, many suggestible patients get better, "So here are stocks, banknotes, diplomas and everything else - your placebo, our clues for our own faith. Take a closer look at them - what would these colored pieces of paper be without a collective faith and them, without collective deification of them? Only your ardent faith in their value makes them really chain. Plus, it makes them difficult for you. - then it is difficult for us to get them. The obedient Universe will gladly provide you with facts confirming your "correctness" - after all, it works, but to your applications. The more there are - bassoons, the more convincing your poverty is for you, the more you get bogged down in it. There will come a moment when the amount of your faith in your own failure will be equal to "mustard black" - then woe to you, you are already incurable, you have created a stable world around you, which is almost impossible to shake.
Faith is a dangerous, two-way factor. She can help us grow - and she can bend the pas to nothingness. It enriches us - and it also plunges us into a quagmire of hopeless poverty.
Our world we receive, first of all, from our parents - this is what Hindus call "karma". Since the spirit, which has entered the dense layers of maya, does not yet have its own ideas about life, the world is created for it by its mentors. What the world was for parents - a holiday or hard labor - so it will become for the child. Then, mother, it is very difficult for us to break our "karma". We were convinced - and proved by facts, examples - that it is very difficult to get a thousand. And we do not understand - how can it be easy for someone to get a million? After all, it's obvious...
In critical epochs, it becomes especially clear how much our ideas about life mean. In post-reform Russia in the 90s of the XX century, one part of the population considered capitalism a paradise - now they live in paradise, at least in a material paradise. The other part believed that capitalism is hell, they were brought up that way, and they ended up in hell as soon as the key word - placebo "capitalism" sounded.
In fact, any "isms" are empty, their content is filled with your ideas about the Universe. Marx's people and Smith's people have the same morals - they just live in different worlds, in different universes.
The universe is made up of different layers and layers of representations:
1) Our personal views.
2) Collective and group representations.
3) Historically established ideas of a number of generations.
4) The absolute laws of nature, which have never changed in the memory of mankind.
Accordingly, there are also modes "sentences" but the reality around us. We ourselves do not know exactly - from where - but we are firmly convinced that THIS is - "Impossible", the other - "unlikely", the third - "very likely", and the fourth - "inevitable".
However, the will of a person, if you train it like athletes train muscles, is able to resist even the fourth group of ideas - "absolute laws" with a modus - the sentence "impossible". During my business trips to Southeast Asia and Hindustan, I myself met and talked with yogis, magicians, monks who overcame gravity, levitated, teleported objects. These are the heights of the will, its monstrous power, comparable to that reflected in the words of Christ about the "mustard seed of faith." It is given to few to overcome maya at the very foundation, to raise its bulk at the very foundation.
We know that such were the disciples of Christ. Moreover, a case is very clearly described - when a disciple, contrary to the law of nature, went to Christ on the water, but then doubted the possibility of such a miracle - and immediately began to fall through, drown. There is quite historical evidence of the Russian Saint Seraphim of Sarov, who "floated above the earth", that is, levitated in spite of gravity.
I admit honestly, I have not reached such heights of "volpinism" (I make this sport from two words - "will" and "mountaineering"), and I am unlikely to achieve it.
But I know that if a volpinism world record is possible. its regional championships and yard tournaments are also possible. If you set the goal of getting rich, then you do not need to strain yourself over overcoming the laws of nature. It is much easier for you, because money does not belong to the category of "mandatory" but to the category of "probable".
Few of you, the reader, have seen, like me, levitating magicians. But almost all of you have seen rich people not far from you - maybe even in the apartment next to you.
The fact is that, as we have already shown on the example of Russian proverbs, luck is by no means blind. It is given to everyone according to "your faith", in accordance with the will and direction of the will of each person asking.
So Archpriest Avvakkum begged for himself from the Universe "the times of Nero and Diocletian" under the kind Alexei Mikhailovich, who many times unsuccessfully tried to pardon his "victim".
We have the will to master money. in Jewish families, brought up from early childhood. It is in the method of "volpinism" that the secret of Jewish fabulous wealth lies. Later, of course, both the "conspiracy" and the "super-solidarity of the Jews" will be applied here, but the basis was the Jewish belief in God's chosen people. "God will give us all the riches of the world!" - the Jews repeated from century to century. Wealth was given to them, of course, not by God (creative, thinking, righteous - the superpersonality of the Universe), but by the Universe (Maya, the illusion of the material). God, I think, mourned, look at the deeds of my fellow tribesmen. But the Universe gives to each according to faith, and not according to righteousness. It is much clearer to say than the Gospels: "It will be for you according to your faith."
Without the messianism of the Jews, our conspiracy would be empty. He is a dummy, a "placebo", holding on to which the Jews think they have caught the Lord by the Beard. It is impossible to explain the Jewish success only by material factors. Couldn't other peoples oppose the conspiracy of miserable and persecuted rootless vagabonds with their own, more powerful conspiracy? Did not powerful princes have power over their Jewish subjects?
But I was brought up in an environment that believes in the money of the world, as their own Money, and applies (later) to this belief a lot of plausible placebos. A Jew is a born volpinist (like a Negro is a born boxer, an athlete), but this does not mean that other peoples are not able to master volpinism. It's just harder for them, because their mentality (another placebo for the parent universe) includes a lot of notions that are detrimental to enrichment.
However, there are also rich people among Russians, although they are fewer than Jews. Volpinism, like any sport, depends on the initial data, the intensity of training and the abilities of the coaches. The intensity of training can smooth out the defects in the original data.
The Russians, as a people, have very great abilities for volpinism, but a different group of "creed muscles" is developed, so to speak. The Russians are distinguished by a very strong messianic spirit, which allowed them, figuratively speaking, to launch satellites in bast shoes, drain the seas and turn the rivers. It was a miracle, if Volpinism is considered a miracle, a miracle in which they refused to believe in the rationalist West.

Income Growth Methods

So! get ready for a hands-on volpinism-style workout. For a start, you need to measure your abilities in the "natural" state - how much you earn, how much your individual Universe is "designed for".
First of all, you need to analyze your social circle, cut off skeptics and whiners, pessimists - they are like weights on the legs of a volpinist. On the contrary, try to find yourself like-minded people - optimists who believe in success just like you do. It is always easier to break through to the top as a group - the factor of "mutual pulling" always affects. Outside, they take it for a "criminal group", "gang", "shuttlers" - all this is sometimes superimposed, but only as a placebo. There are many groupings, but not all of them are successful, most of them vegetate. This means that the main question is not in the grouping, which by itself does not guarantee success at all, but in some special properties within the group. We know this is group volpinism.
A very important and difficult stage is the rejection of the "old world", the reality created spontaneously by the labors of your parents and your friends, in the chaos of your childhood impressions. What now seems to you as "objective reality" is actually a very random collection of fantasies about the world from a variety of sources.
Think about what the "new world" should be like? Maybe everything suits you in the "old", then you can only be congratulated. Maybe you lack something other than money?
We're only talking about money now. If you are firmly convinced that you are missing some amount, then get ready to storm the frontier of a new reality.
If you are a poor teacher - and you think of a million dollars, then I give my head for cutting off, you will fail. It's like if an untrained athlete put the bar of the world champion. You need to understand that although nothing is impossible for the Universe (it happens that beggars win a million in the lottery, and, as you understand, for good reason!) But there is much that is still impossible for you.
Be realistic. Plan for revenue growth next year so that there is room for maneuver, and do not start with more than 20%. Once I set the bar to "double income" - and failed miserably - not because the technique passed, but because I myself could not believe in such a turn.
There is only one risk here: set the bar high, fail, and exacerbate doubts. After each failure, it becomes more difficult to return to the trajectory of success, although, of course, there are no hopeless situations.
The main danger. It would seem, what is easier? I made a wish for myself, I seriously wanted something - and now! it is ready, from the oven of the Universe ...
In fact, the Universe does not satisfy all desires. Psychotechnics of different peoples of the world teach one thing: overcoming the emotional side of desire, i.e. "lust".
Compare your feelings in two cases. When you want to eat, you go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator. In our inner world there is a desire, but there is no desire, you are calm, there are no emotions.
You do not ask how and where, kefir and sausage got into your refrigerator. You know they've come a long way, but you always have plenty of them and don't worry about them. They are near, just reach out and take...
Our feelings cannot be divided by the peoples of Azin and Africa, where masses are dying of hunger. In their case, the desire for food is mixed with frightened desire, the fear that there may not be food. The stronger this fear, this doubt (it’s not for nothing that they say terrible words - “worm, doubt”), the less likely it is to get what you want.
As Pushkin wrote: "The less we love a woman, the more she likes us." 'The same thing can be said about money, because the principle is the same. I don't know a single businessman who LOVE money. Businessmen use money cynically and prudently, and the love of money would be their undoing. After all, you gape that in order to make a profit, you first need to invest a lot, that is, part with money, and the more ruthless this parting, the better the result.
Love money, oddly enough, it is the poor. They dry over them, sort them out, procrastinate in their hands, value them - and therefore do not receive reciprocity: there is always little money for them. Hence the motto of the business, which you have heard many times!: "It is impossible to save a truly large sum, you can only earn it."
What's in the salt? The Universe, along with our application, receives through desire an additional application for the inaccessibility of what is requested. If you desire (and not simply and casually want), then a terrible mark is pierced on your application: "wants to learn with great difficulties."
Here again, there is no one to blame. You ordered a pie with problems, you get it. It is, of course, overgrown with a lot of placebos, like economic conditions, industry growth rates, and so on. etc. - but it's all superficial.
Once, at an economic forum in Turkey, Turkish economists complained to me that they have the same weight as in Europe, only the income of the population is 10 times lower.
"We don't understand anything! The laws are the same, the climate is the same, production is developing dynamically - and people lived 10 times poorer than Europe, and they live ..."
Russia, with its Western standard tracing paper, is another example. Some part of Russia has joined the standard and consumes in a European way (another question is whether this is good or bad!). The remaining population does not believe in success, and, therefore, even in the most favorable conditions, leads the lifestyle of losers.
In Russia, a situation has now developed where whiners drown each other, exacerbate their misfortunes with their extreme pessimism, exchanging it like video cassettes with each other. That is why a volpinist in Russia will be in more difficult conditions than in the West, where everything is permeated with the idea of success, and he must set himself at first lighter loads than a European.
So you have a desire. It can be written down for self-control - or it can be carefully rehearsed from memory. It should be (that is, seem to you) realistic, not change your life too drastically, be very coldly rational without any admixture of lust.
Suppose a humble employee receives 8,000 rubles a month. Once he picked up a volpinist paper (a type of placebo) and wrote on it: "From next year I will receive 10 thousand rubles a month, or 120 thousand rubles a year."
Now think about what kind of placebo can be used to achieve the goal? What actions will convince you that you can earn more? What bets should be made in the hope of luck? This is not necessary for the Universe, for which your request is a trifle, you need this for self-persuasion. You need to be aware that the Universe will give you what you ask for and without any action on your part, unless lust submits a treacherous application for the "difficulty of receiving." The more difficult it seems to us to achieve any result, the more difficult it is for us in reality. Some easily, effortlessly receive a university diploma, others with a great rattle. Some jokingly become candidates of sciences - others take a whole life to defend. Some are lying on the couch, earning millions, others are in eternal running around and cannot even scrape together for bread.
Don't covet! Do not say to yourself "it would be nice" - know that something is waiting for you there, and try to bring this title closer to the maximum of calmness. You do not worry about the stash in the closet, because you know exactly where it is and how much is in it. The same knowledge of the future as of the past - without emotions and passions, with the distinctness of a chronicler - this is the pinnacle of volpinism.
You think of the future as if you were remembering the past. Pi scheme: "Yes, by the way, next week I'll find an unaccounted for thousand! What to spend it on? Can I put it in the bank or buy a gift for my wife?"
. To get rid of lust, from a painful fear of non-fulfillment of desire, I recommend my personal method - "shifting priorities." This is when a person, in order not to think about money, for example, obsessively joins, say, gardening (very important for Russia). All day long his head hurts - where to get seeds, how to fertilize the beds, how to grow a super pumpkin - and somewhere on the edge of consciousness, on the periphery, a little thought hangs about "by the way, those 300 thousand next month, they will fall so suddenly ... where to place them! Oh, not up to them now, the seedlings are withering ..
If you are a fan of a garden, a sports team or a certain scientific department, then things will go badly for them - after all, the principle of "excitement for ..." provides for "complication in that ...". Let your seedlings wither - but 300 thousand will come on the 15th required time. Maybe, of course, and vice versa - the seedlings will grow well, but the money will not come. It means that you failed to switch your fears to devouring another object, the fear of poverty turned out to be stronger.
If you analyze the rich people we know, you will definitely see a kind of “possessive” passion in them, which often seems ridiculous to you. What does he care about football if he has a billion-dollar company turnover? But it is football that loads his "worm of doubt" and does not allow him to gnaw at the handed over, gnaw at the case.
Our world, if we discard the illusion of the material, is a tangled crossroads of many wills and religions - in business, your will must be stronger than the will of the buyer and poly competitor. It is the duel on the inner side of reality, that strong-willed confrontation, which is best illustrated by the Russian game of "peepers" - when eye to eye, and who blinks first - decides the essence of the matter. The name of the product and its quality are all secondary placebos, lottery tickets, quality, depending on your will, can win or lose.
Any person who has been involved in business will readily confirm to you: trade does not depend on the goods, but on the seller. One person manages to sell the utter rubbish, and the other sits on gold, and cannot sell it at half price. One deftly implements the unnecessary, while the other is desperately unable to sell the necessary. What's the matter here?
Outwardly - in psychology, in the fact that one is a striker, and the other is constrained, uncertain, depressed. But take a closer look - why is that? Isn't the answer obvious - the first is a man of "long will", and the second is a "self-assembly loser".
I have often witnessed the transformation of timid and nailed people when they had some kind of “placebo” they needed in their hands - when it began to seem to them that they had found a magic sword-treasury, and now they were omnipotent.
A zatyukanny graduate student, having suddenly defended himself, became a lion - it seemed to him that he was now a strong man. From what? From a worthless piece of paper that doesn't help anyone else? Or from the faith that EXACTLY THIS person put EXACTLY IN THIS subject?
Remember that the power is not in the subject, but in your faith. Not an amulet, not a talisman protect, bring happiness, but the mental image of power associated with them. The object is always a "placebo", a dummy, and in other hands it will be the most picnic trifle.
But at the first stage it is useful to mystify yourself. "I signed an agreement with Petrenko, now I can do anything, I have everything in my hands ..." If you really believe this, then the agreement with Petrenko will become your lucky card. If in doubt, the paper will be empty.
When I was a deputy, I knew two assistants to the deputies, let's call them "Ivanov" and "Petrov". So, the same crust of an assistant to a deputy brought Ivanov an excellent business and expansion of opportunities, while Petrov served only for free travel on public transport.
Somehow Ivanov, among mutual acquaintances, began to boast that he was "an assistant to a deputy" and "can do a lot." - C'mon! - answered Petrov's acquaintances - We know the man, he is also an assistant, and it didn’t give him a damn thing!
Frontiers of growth. In volpinism, you must set yourself boundaries for growth. In your enrichment, you will move from line to line, jumping higher and higher. If there is a decline somewhere, it means that you need to return to the original indicator, you have set the bar a little high ...
The frontier should always be in your mind, and not come to the fore at the same time. The best thing is to drive it into the subconscious, so as not to think about it, but vaguely feel it.
I will share my method: I wrote a certain figure (my milestone) on various pieces of paper, in organizers, on a telephone receiver, at production meetings, in ministers' reception rooms, etc. All the time only a number, no comments, no unnecessary explanations, I accustomed myself to the fact that this number is obvious in the future, that it is mine, belongs to me by right, that I should get used to it, and not be surprised when it arises in my checkbook.
It almost always worked. At the same time, when assigning a number, at the last stages of my business career, I didn’t think at all where it would come from, that is, I didn’t cling to the placebo of the businessman’s fussy-feverish magical actions. I just knew that circumstances would develop in such a way that they would impose on me with all their irreversible course this particular number, and I would only have to accept it.
You can follow in my footsteps, you can come up with your own mnemonic way - but remember! It is not pieces of paper or numbers that work - reason, thought, everything else is placebo. If you try mockingly to test my method, and find out with a laugh that it does not work, you yourself will program your failure. I have already said that facts are malleable things. The Universe will provide you with any number of facts in support of your theory of the world.
The technique can only start to work when you use it with faith in success, when you make plans in advance for purchases with money that has not yet arrived, when you build barns for unborn livestock in advance.
It is the state of mind of the representatives of the nation, and not some economic or social system that provides the nation with prosperity. Communism did not give wealth, and the market will not give it either - all this is nothing more than a placebo for the consumer spirit. Having money is generally a non-market concept, because the market is aimed at saving money as much as possible. If you have soap, and I have an awl, then we could buy them for a friend of a friend. But, in addition to mutual desire, it is necessary that everyone, in addition to awl and soap, also have a coin lying around. Or barter - without money - but in macroeconomics it is very difficult to implement. It turns out a magic circle - to start production, you need money, and to become a consumer, you need money. That is, we have not yet begun to produce or consume, but the money is already needed. Who will give them - if not production and not consumption?
Universe, In the beginning was the word. Logos, thought - the planning of abundance - and only then, on the wave of optimism and expectations of the best, on the wave of a bold dream, material well-being comes.
About good and evil spirit

Here I would like to once again warn about the danger of the knowledge that you have gathered. It is not for nothing that I separate God, as a creative and personal principle, from the Universe, as a faceless device for the production of illusions. In fact, you saw the world without matter, energy, space, as it is - the world of three persons: your Spirit, the Good Spirit and the Evil Spirit. The world has always been like this, whether you know it or not - you are always in the space between the Absolute of Good and the Absolute of Evil in an intermediate-suspended state.
Money is an absolutely neutral substance, it becomes good or evil only in your hands. Actually, money is not coins or pieces of paper (placebo), but a measure of our power in the modern world. If you are rich, then you become like a magician, able to execute and pardon, cause rain and disperse clouds, build palaces and resolve cities. Do not flatter yourself with the neutrality of the "Matrix" - the Universe. She will issue the neck indiscriminately, at your request.
But the Evil Spirit is behind every volpinist exercise. The temptation to use the power of your "pumped out" will will always haunt you, just like a "pitching" is pursued by a thirst to test yourself in a fight. Volpinism is divided into two levels - "the will to acquire oneself" and "the will to alienate from others." Since the Universe is infinite, there is an infinite amount of everything conceivable and even unthinkable in it, therefore, gloomy maxims in the Malthusian sense about the "limitedness of the pie" are the machinations of the Evil Spirit.
A volpinist possessed by evil does not follow the wise rule of "take bread for dinner in moderation", he asserts himself not in acquiring things for himself, but in humiliating and crushing the losers around him, in their deliberate bullying. Wealth is seen not as "my cash", but as "another's absence", greatness is not in the estate in itself, but in elevation above the level of others.
In modern Russia, this is very developed. The desire to "cut off with the door" those who follow, to "bite off what you can't eat" is constantly traced by the red thread of Russian reforms. "iauperophilia" is born, love for the factor of poverty in power, a deeply flawed feeling of those in power. As a result, a volpinist from the people has to overcome not only his own fears and complexes, but also a powerful foreign will, directed downward, to drop his followers.
Metaphysics of the Universe

Rerecord all this creativity as files. Stressful.

Проигрыш этих людей преопределен, так как никакое самообразование не поможет человеку выигрывать на финансовых рынках

That sounds about right! I think it's time to get out of here! All the best! Good luck to everyone!