Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 12


predicting price direction and predicting price are not the same thing!


I'll pass, I've done enough of that :).


predicting price direction and predicting price are not the same thing!


))))) yes the same thing

TA is out!

TA is a child of pre-information society, the pre-internet era, the computerless era, stock quotes by telegraph, etc.

Tell me please, what is your definition of earning? Is it 1000% per week? And what do you mean it does not drain, at what depo?

If you create a TS, which makes 10% a month on a dollar deposit on the real market - you will be rejected by any commercial bank! Even if you make 5%, they will kiss you all over the place.

Doesn't drain at any depot.


I'll pass, I've done enough of that :).

Correct direction prediction within the spread is the first disappointment of dumb TA application.


I've already said enough for a week.

You don't have a grunt on you.



If you create a TS that earns 10% a month on a dollar deposit in the real market, any commercial bank will rip you off! Even if you make 5%, they will kiss you all over the place.

It doesn't lose at any depo.

If the drawdown is more than 6%, no one will even look at it. Read Basel 2 .

))))) the same thing

TA is a bummer!

TA is a child of pre-information society, the pre-internet era, the computerless era, stock quotes by telegraph, etc.

Tambourine forever! :)

You don't have a grunt on you.

а! Is that the kind of weirdo who's rude to everyone and talks in half-sentences and weird ciphers?
if the drawdown is more than 6% no one will even look at it. Read Basel 2.

What is Basel 2?

Don't fight.

Some people need T.A. and some don't.