There are a lot of ideas piling up, will anyone implement them? I won't pay, and if I do, it's only as a thank you... its size from 0 to 100% - page 9

just the grounds, there's a new right extremum

where? Why is the line going in the opposite direction to the price? That, Alexander, is the false mid-range change, what I was talking about.

The ecstem will change anyway, what prevents you from making the deposit bigger, you can attach a PriceChanel with a period equal to the deposit as an example and see

Well, you can see that before the red vertical line, the middle of the range (yellow) shifted downwards, while the price was going up...

Below I showed the yellow vertical lines where there was a false change of direction of the middle of the range (white), contrary to the current, at that time, price direction.


Well, you can see that before the red vertical line, the middle of the range (yellow) shifted downwards, while the price was going up...

Below I showed the yellow vertical lines where there was a false change of direction of the middle of the range (white), contrary to the current, at that time, price direction.

this jump is related to the change of extremums by which the midpoint is drawn
this jump is related to the change of extrema that are used to draw the middle

That is what I am saying: as time goes by, extrema become tops/troughs that were not extrema, as the calculation period of the number of bars is constantly shifting to the right while the number of calculated bars remains the same.

In principle, this should be the case, but in this case, we should ignore these "false" extrema as they cause the middle of the range to go against the current, at that time, price direction...


That is what I am saying: as time passes, extrema become tops/troughs that were not extrema, because the period of bar count is constantly shifting to the right, while the number of calculated bars remains the same.

In principle this should be the case, but in this case we should ignore these "false" extrema, because they cause the middle of the range to go against the current price direction...

Increase the deposited amount by as much as necessary
increase the deposit by as much as necessary

is the number of bars to calculate the range? what will it do? it will be the same, but with more bars.
In that case, just find the global extremes on the entire history and calculate a midpoint for them and put the line there, and it will stay in one place for a long time, and will not move for a long time.
In that case, just find the global extremes on the entire history and calculate a midpoint for them and put the line there, and it will stay in one place for a long time, and will not move for a long time.

right... in 10 years...