Help is needed to get the "Russian Fires 2010" portal up and running quickly. ( - page 43


If you judge what is happening in the country only by the Vesti, then what a great state power this makes! Just live and enjoy it. You don't even have to think for yourself.

By the way, why is there no opportunity (like in the rest of the world) to comment on news on the Vesti site? You can recommend (i.e. express your opinion "for"), but you cannot go against it or comment. Why not? Democracy in full swing?

Why can't you ask them?

I do not judge only by the "Vesti", is an information website, or do you think they do not give reliable information?


Do you want more laughs? Ministry of Emergency Situations website, regional section, instruction "Public actions in case of a forest fire"

And that's all I've found so far. How can I find any method-materials on their website?


Ok, let's take your example. Where can I sign up to be a volunteer? Where can I find out, in which communities, what the need is? Are volunteer fire brigades organised? Is there communication with the relevant services and tasks are promptly set? Is there a supply of supplies? Are they quickly assembled and deployed as needed? Or maybe there is no need for them?

Can you help us

They're recruiting volunteers, they're teaching


Do you want more laughs? Ministry of Emergency Situations website, regional section, instruction "Public actions in case of a forest fire"

And that's all I've found so far. How can I find any method-materials on their website?

This was taught in school about how and what to do in case of fire
What's the MSC starting to do for charity?

What are we talking about?) Have you been drinking? Are the sisters of mercy going to be clearing the woods for you?


What are we talking about?) Have you been drinking? Will the sisters of mercy be clearing a clearing for you?

I agree it's off-topic, so I deleted it.

Can you help us

They are recruiting volunteers, training

There, an example of at least some self-organisation. Forestry or someone took the initiative.

We started to talk about what Putin has done in terms of organisation.

As far as administrations and the population are concerned, I do not see any organisational movements from the outside.


Vo, an example of at least some kind of self-organisation. Forestry or someone took the initiative.

We were starting to talk about what Putin has done in terms of organisation.

As far as the administrations and the population are concerned, I do not see any organisational movements from the outside.

Let's see if the houses will be standing by winter to replace the ones that burned down or not; if not, you're right: he did nothing; if they will, you're wrong in saying that he did nothing.

ZS: After the earthquake in Gornozavodsk, it seems they rebuilt houses for the winter, as in August there was an earthquake and houses were standing by the winter. Correct me if something is wrong.

Let's see if the houses will be standing by the winter to replace the ones that burned down or not; if not, you are right: he did nothing; if they will, you are wrong in saying that he did nothing.

Isn't the government's main task to rebuild houses for fire victims?

It is remediation, and it is incomplete. It is only one task out of many.

And if we are talking about fires, unlike earthquakes, something can be done both before and during the fire to reduce the consequences.


Isn't the government's main task to rebuild houses for fire victims?

It is remediation, and it is incomplete. It is only one task out of many.

And if we are talking about fires, unlike earthquakes, something can be done both before and during the fire to reduce the consequences.

In my opinion, the first task is to put everything out, and the second or parallel task is to restore everything.

Are fires extinguished? Is the Ministry of Emergency Situations working? Has money been allocated to fire victims?

What else does the government need?

There have been fires before, but not on such a scale, and it wasn't this hot