What is the perspective in your opinion? - page 4



The forex market is incredibly eventful - we know nothing about the events or we get indirect information and possibly misinformation. We can say with 100% certainty that the prediction of the price movement is - 0%. Because there are two ways to move + or - it makes a more or less solid forecast of 50/50. In fact it is 0 divided by 2.

Why not 60/40? Why not 70/30?

How else would you trade?

And memory, records and manuscripts - I mean the past - the informational intangible.

And the kettle that has just boiled over is material?

For it was already boiling in the past.

And it will boil again in the future.

In the kettle that has just boiled over -- material?

the kettle stayed with you - in the present, the same goes for memory, records and manuscripts formed by combining the matter of paper and ink,

none of the atoms of that ink self-devolved to remain in the past,

there is no kettle in the past, for it simply has nowhere to come from, it is the only kettle, as well as the only universe


There is Everett's theory of multiple universes - as another interpretation of quantum mechanics.

But one does not want to get into scholastic arguments about whether there is a future.



none of the atoms in this ink self-devolved to remain in the past

And where does such a primitive, in my unsophisticated view, view of the past come from?

Here's your example -- an unfulfilled prediction with 99.99% probability -- a few seconds before boiling -- the light was turned off.

So? Did it become intangible?

Or is it that the prediction didn't come true at all?

Or is it about 99.99% true?

P.S. The teapot example is not the same thing.


For example, on Monday we made a forecast for the Euro with a probability of 70/30 - we trade, an hour later an event happened (we do not know anything about it) and our forecast became 30/70 (we do not know anything about it either) - we trade on....
That is, we do not look at the monitor in the process of trading?

Did you know that there is nothing material. There's only energy that can't stand still, it only moves and .... and to get matter - energy has to be circular - frozen, and then atoms, molecules, rocks and other stuff.

And how much do we know about this energy?

And also about time?


You are unlikely to profit from the predictability of a "no-movement" market due to a weekend, although the probability of a "prediction" is very high...

The rest of the market action barely reaches 70% predictability sometimes, but the damned game pulls in where there is none of that either...

There is no past, no future.

There is no past, simply by the law of conservation of energy... Can you imagine that every millionth of a second the entire universe duplicates itself with all its matter-energy so that somewhere in the past there would be a copy of it this fraction of time...? Absurd...

There is no future, otherwise it

-either it would be an infinite fan of probabilities-the same copies of our whole universe, for all the thousands and millions of years ahead,

- or it would be predetermined, which completely deprives our life as such, all searches and aspirations, all attempts to know and change

the last option is the most likely, but completely undesirable, because in that case ... (here comes an untranslatable play on words using local idiomatic expressions),

at least you and I don't want such a "future", I guess.

Ironically, one of your scripts is called "Back to Future". :)

I wrote a post about my trade in this thread - 17.07.2010 14:27. This time you were right, there is no need to watch (not that there is no need) to predict, the TS works itself.

Well, you're not looking, the CU is.

Not the point.