EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 946


that's what I'm trying to add, where would you move the first stop and why?

Actually, I think we're drawing KDT now. All the movement from 1.3420 is in threes...

Is today the day off by any chance?)) The price isn't moving...
Isn't today a holiday?)) The price hasn't moved...

A holiday today.

Celebration today
In the States...
And I'm wondering why the pending ones didn't work...

Does this work for anyone? :)


Does this work for anyone? :)

Does anybody think about the possibility of such a scenario?

Yes, Dimitri, this scenario is quite likely.

Firstly, the Christmas week in Europe is coming to an end, it is profitable to have cheap euro (customs, duties) + political destabilization, which may escalate, I think it will not be allowed.

Secondly, there will be a meeting on the 7th of December regarding a bailout for Ireland(E85bn) and very specific sources have said that they will start pushing this amount in from the 15th of December.

And third, the Christmas week begins in the states, which also benefits from a cheap dollar.

So this scenario has a chance of success!

Happy holidays to everybody, dear fellows!

You're welcome =)


Yes, Dimitri, this scenario is quite likely.

Firstly, the Christmas week in Europe is coming to an end, it is profitable to have cheap euro (customs, duties) + political destabilization, which may escalate, I think it will not be allowed.

Secondly, there will be a meeting on the 7th of December regarding a bailout for Ireland(E85bn) and very specific sources have said that they will start to give that amount on the 15th of December.

And third, the Christmas week starts in the states, who also benefit from a cheap dollar.

So this scenario has a chance of success!

Merry Christmas dear friends!

You're welcome =)

Likewise, but I don't know about Christmas week:)))