EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 736


Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, the bulls just haven't fully given up their positions yet. my opinion +10pp then SOUTH ) and to the resort of Krasnodar region go )))))
better to turkey...............
no change in expectations, what next?
no change in expectations, what next?
Waiting for Trichet to see what he has to say.........
The euro rate is also on the forecast.
The euro rate is also on the forecast.
Which way is it? Up?
Which way is that? Upstairs?

Nowhere, the forecast was 1%, that's what it is, the quid rate was also on the forecast yesterday.
The euro rate is also on the forecast.

Yes, it's flat, so it's time to sell from 43...
It's not going above 4,250 imho

Posted a forecast for gold, but not 99% sure we'll make a new high, possible reversal downwards...


I think there is no point in waiting any longer, we should sell from the current level at 4350 to 4600 and aim at 3700... That's about it...