EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 362

It's OK, the bears will take the stops and go down )
It's OK, the bears will take the stops and go down )
We already went for the stops...
We've already gone for the footsteps...
That's right, before going up.
That's right, before you go up.
so one more time )
so again )

Pound - the news was great but the price went 150pp down and was dangling there. Price moves - con artists and provocateurs (not talking about thechanalysis). Anything can happen.....

oftop - boo-boo-boo - tehanalysis (like urine analysis) - you have to follow the price boo-boo-boo with stops - so go! but not with a smart face, just like that.(this is not to Sank - it's to others...)


Pound - the news was great but the price went 150pp down and was dangling there. Price moves - con artists and provocateurs (not talking about thechanalysis). Anything is possible.....

oftop - boo-boo-boo - tehanalysis (like urine analysis) - you have to follow the price boo-boo-boo with stops - so go! but not with a smart face, but just like that.(this is not to Sank - it's to others...)

Where did you have to go for the price this morning?))
Where did you have to go for the price this morning?))
it's up to the analysts, i don't know. (with tehanalysis you are blind, with finanalysis you are deaf - better not to listen to anyone sit and eat). it turns out that you have to sit tight, which I did...

If the euro goes below the low in the channel it will go further

I recommend to buy not for a long time)

25 should have gone for the price, now it's too late

A thought-provoking picture:))) True, point 4 can still shift.


So what's the target for today at the top ?