EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1826


Strange, would you take a look at Dow Jones, please?

what can you tell us about it? Is there any chance to 11125?

All the markets have gone into a tailspin. Indices go one way, dressers go the other. There is no correlation whatsoever. The market is now at resistance levels, but it is very dangerous to play reversals now. The local growth targets have not been reached yet, and the resistance zone might be just a position accumulation zone. This is the kind of volume spike we saw today in the ECN of the European Magnetrale. A strong bid for a sharp jump to new levels. The nearest targets: 1.3860 (POC 09.11; Hi Jan)/1.3900 (2xIBWeek; R2W)/1.4030 (SP 8.11)/1.4085-1.4100

Trajariz redemption volume as of today $4-6bn.

mailing list.


Here is what Mr Romanov writes:

The dollar may be in big trouble, but most likely it will get off again with a mild 3-day scare...

And what about the kerry, you said the yen is funding, and the franc could follow (dibs on us). So what, the fund falls - the yen goes south too, all typical. Well, then, in a mockery of myself, I ask, why then is the eur rising? If the fund is going down, the eu should be going down. Yes, there is no way the currencies are going down, but they are pure sell-bucks. Why the fright? Has something gone down in the US again? It looks like it's not going down, it looks like there is even a wait for bets, albeit timid. In Europe they are waiting for Trichet to raise rates. That's very funny, thank you. Trichet is more likely to die of fright. The ECB has never been the first to tighten. And the ECB is in serious disagreement, so it seems. Otherwise why was Axel Weber first touted as Trichet's successor, and now he's even leaving Buba soon. Weber does not like the bailout fund for bankrupt countries. And he gets the picture that giving them money is just a waste of time. It just postpones their defaults. By the way yesterday Weber mentioned Switzerland as a positive example of globalization. Well, Switzerland is positive and has been doing fine without any globalisation for a long time, in general, it's not Greece. So why is the dollar falling? Not because the euras are rising on Trichet's expectations, that's nonsense. It's just Asian inertia. First the yen was the leading currency there, then came the others, Singapore and Hong Kong dollars and the rest of the Korean Won. Now the franc is re-testing its peaks as a typical example of an asylum currency in geopolitical crises. Gold is typical. Oil? No, neither is the eura a safe haven. Think about it, not long ago the rules of the game were risk appetite - and risk exodus. Risks were stocks, the euras and the pound, oil and even gold as a metal, as just metal, not as gold. And now? The franc is rising as a safe haven currency, the middle east, all clear. It's an exodus from risk. And the risky asset, the eura, is also rising, as if to mock the dollar for being an economic safe haven, not a geopolitical one. And I also think the dollar is falling because the old Middle East model, in which America participated, and Egypt and Bahrain participated, is collapsing. Libya may be orthodox, but not Bahrain. No, actually I will give you a hundred reasons why the dollar should fall, but that does not mean it should. It was just recently rising to 9740 chf and everyone thought it went above parity. Yes it might go, if spring doesn't kill it. We'll see about that, but in the next couple of days, you'll see about that. Don't you dare buy it. Here's a look at what it takes to sell the Eurodollar, for example. Firstly, let it make a daily divergence, let it go to 1.39. Secondly, it may overbought the indicators during the day and will also diverge with the prices. And only then we will start to estimate the sales. And if it will just fall by itself? I am not a clairvoyant. But it will rise rather than fall, because when the eu makes false-breaks from the bottom (uncline 2587-2968), it rises all the time. Its better to buy from any level than to sell hoping for a double top. Well yes, the range is the current 3427-3861. So put the stop right under 1.34. Are you out of your mind: The price is 1.38 without a little bit. And yet, even such ridiculous buying is not as ridiculous as selling here and now. It's too early to sell.

Where do you read it? Not bad thoughts in principle, says ....

Look, the quid index is approaching the start of the first Wolf (blue). If it starts to work out, the eu will fly down (hard).

If the quid passes the blue Wolf and decides to go for the yellow one, the eu will still rise (according to my last H4 count), but then it will still fall heavily when the quid index starts to go for the yellow Wolf.

Where do you read it? Not bad thoughts in principle, says ....
Thank you ;)

Light it up!!! =)))))



Look, the quid index is approaching the start of the first Wolf (blue). If it starts to work out, the eu will fly down (hard).

If the quid passes the blue Wolf and decides to go for the yellow one, the eu will still rise (according to my last H4 count), but then it will still fall hard when the quid index starts to go for the yellow Wolf.

I don't see the BB here, Q3 and Q4 are above-below Q1, and lines 1-3 and 2-4 are converging in the projection into the future
Gold has been flying down for the last two hours