EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1838


Didn't you rush the bai?
The bai is the former buy-stop, but mistakenly thought it would reverse from n4, but the eu broke it - got carried away with the allies - indices and the pound were falling. (channel (blue line) corrected it can even go higher)

The Euro is being actively sold, right now it is only holding on because of the big traders buying, the commercials are already on sale, as soon as the big traders drop the shares, which is a matter of one or two weeks, there will be a drop.

Commercial traders hedge their risks, i.e. sell them in the form of Euro futures contracts to large speculators, who respectively buy them. When the traders start buying the Euro (which they have not done since mid-January), then it will go down, which is about time.

Will the ECB risk a rate hike? what do you think!


The Euro is being actively sold, right now it is only holding on because of the big traders buying, the commercials are already on sale, as soon as the big traders drop the shares, which is a matter of one or two weeks, there will be a drop.

Of course. They will start selling. There is an election in Ireland and according to preliminary figures in favour of the opposition, there will be a result on 11 March.
As of 4 March, you can safely sell!!! :)
As of 4 March, you can safely sell!!! :)
As of 4 March, you can safely sell!!! :)

and my 1.4012 numbers are similar, and your screenshots are like a star chart (beautiful!)
On the 4th of March you can sell it!!! :)
And give your wife a moose on the 8th