EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1402

Fucking hell, waiting another 100 pips down ... to close ...

Hi, another prodigal son, are you also somewhere in the south like Rekker?)))

Hi...Vasiliy Kondratevich...How's the weather in Honduras?..South but 350p down...then further up...
Fucking hell, waiting another 100 pips down ... to close ...

Greed begets stupidity...
Actually, the weekly trend is sideways...

Hi...Vasily Kondratevich...How's the weather in Honduras?...South but 350p down...then further up...

Things are bad in my native Honduras, the snow is melting, the water in the cellar is rising)))
Greed is not me being greedy ... It's just that one of the owls didn't open an order at the right time ... so I'm waiting...
The first support is at 1.3279-87.

Have a good week everyone.

Looks like the fat cats, having planted the credit fields in Europe, did not take into account that the fraternal Chinese would not miss out on the chance to buy up the crops, for the same American money.

And what kind of resistance there will be behind the first supports, remains to be seen. (Lemon slice of pessimism, into a glass of sweet tea of optimism.) Anlmentchik.



Things are going badly in Honduras, the snow is melting and the water in the cellar is rising)))
We'll have something to put out the fire with. :))))

this is how i sold from the sell stop, i wanted to move it higher in the morning at 2 o'clock, but i fell asleep, i ended up leaving friday from that level and sold



Paste a screenshot of the levels and targets, please)