EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 126


Yes... You guys are so cool. Read your posts of the last three weeks and you'll probably realize that your MATHEMATICS "don't work".

You should make a separate thread about moonshine, someone would be interested. )))) I apologize if I spelled it wrong. I am from Lithuania.

Yes... You guys are so cool. Read your posts of the last three weeks and you'll probably find that your MATHEMATICS "don't work".
But what a conversation.
The best tincture is rowan, 750ml can of rowanberries halved with sugar, fill a 3l jar with a very good moonshine of 50 degrees or diluted alcohol. Put it in the jar from autumn and forget about it till New Year. You drink it and don't snort it. It's a drug. Too bad it runs out fast.

I recommend it!

On the rowan tree, ROM - "Garna Alisovka!"

Directly from Alice Seleznyova Alley...

Yes... You guys are so cool. Read your posts of the last three weeks and you'll probably find that your MATHEMATICS "don't work".

Don't you get it? We're all just forex-alcoholics here. We're not really interested in the money,but the process!!!!

We need to build additional beds urgently, new business after all:))))))

I wonder if anyone has opened a CADCHF bay on my tip?

CADCHF would be cooler.

Directly from Alice Seleznyova Alley

But what communication!
I'm sorry if I write with mistakes. My mother tongue is not Russian
Sorry if I spell it wrong. My mother tongue is not Russian.

There are no mistakes, that's good, people with Russian as their mother tongue make such grammatical feats that it makes you want to swear...

By the way, where has Galina gone? Maybe an avalanche has finally buried her under it? Lack of liveliness: ))))))


There are no mistakes, which is good, people here with native Russian give out such grammatical pearls that it makes me want to swear...

By the way, where has Galina gone? Maybe the avalanche has finally buried her under it? Lack of liveliness: ))))))

I have Galina :)))
But if this is a EUR/USD thread, I think Galina should be left alone. :))))