EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 123


You should be in Bali by now, you're getting richer and richer there, you've already made thirty quid :)))

i already made 180% of the deposit, and your 30 quid i spend on gasoline a day Is it 1.17 already? ))). I remember a similar picture at the drop to 1.19)))

Natives of the southern republics and children of the mountains usually use such a swear word in their speech.

Well I didn't try to insult you - it's petty, and I will rep ay, and about the nationality I will tell for I have nothing to be ashamed - in my veins flows blood of the great person who was my grandfather who was born in Moldova, and was called up in 18 years on the Great Patriotic War, which he served and finished with two medals and a contusion and a shrapnel in the back (for life) - after the war, he married a Don Cossack - my grandmother, worked in Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region a miner in the pit and earned the order of labor and raised a son and daughter, his son - my father served in the Soviet Armed Forces up to the rank of Colonel

So you can choose who I am: Moldovan, Russian or Ukrainian by mother.


Well, I have not tried to insult you - petty, and I will pay t ribute, while I will tell about my nationality because I have nothing to be ashamed of - in my veins flows the blood of a great man who was my grandfather, who was born in Moldova and was drafted at age 18 to the Great Patriotic War, which he served and finished with two medals and a contusion and a shrapnel in the back (for life) - after the war, he married a Don Cossack - my grandmother, worked in Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region a miner in the pit and earned the Order of Labour and brought up a son and daughter, his son - my father served in the Soviet Armed Forces to the rank of Colonel

So choose who I am - Moldovan or Russian or Ukrainian by mother.

And now my grandson has reached forex.....
And here's the grandson who got into forex.....

my grandson is just resting when he can program and check the profitability of automated trading - I am only interested in automated trading, I'm not ready to make money on forex yet

ZS: If you doubt that I am a programmer - write to me sometime in the personal, maybe I can show you my diplomas, but otherwise google specialty code 6.0914


Well my grandson is just resting when he can program and check the profitability of automated trading - i'm interested only in automated trading, i'm not ready to make money on forex yet

I'm not a programmer and I'll show you my diplomas, but you can google my diploma code 6.0914.

I have a lot of diplomas too....(and not all bought...)

You're looking at history and knowingly looking for a mismatch?

"I can use data to disprove a judgement, but never to prove it. I can use history to disprove a guess, but never to prove it." (c) not mine :)

You are not meant to understand this :)


Girls, can you move the personal squabbles to the private section, please?

I remember someone advocated technical deletions of posts... Well, I don't want to spoil such a good, working branch with deletions.


I'm ten times in favour! Actually the initial cause of our conflict is that IgorM has littered this thread with meaningless posts. That's why I lambasted him in private at the time. Delete it!!! Green under the root :)


"I can use data to disprove a judgment, but never to prove it. I can use history to disprove a hunch, but never to prove it." (c) not mine :)

You are not destined to understand this :)

You can only succeed in business through failure, only through defeat. Most people are very conservative. It was not for nothing that Copernicus was burned when he said that the earth revolves around the sun. (c) Vladimir Dovgan

To deny/prove an opponent wrong is the essence of human consciousness, for everyone can always be smarter than others by humiliating the opponent, without going to the heart of the matter, but simply by getting support through lasting connections and acquaintances

What I am trying to say - learn to look for something new, not to look for flaws in people who are looking for it, if you cannot look for it - wait for the moment to point out the accomplished fact of your opponent's error, so that there is something to analyze, because Forex is not constant, and you have to be able to adapt to the market all the time to make profit from it