A suggestion to the administration - page 29


Always amused by passages like that. It is something of a sanity test.

Y. Shevchuk, for example, also likes to say that there is no freedom of speech in Russia, while looking into the eyes of the prime minister of GDP under the TV cameras.

On the subject -- first I'd be shot three times and then raped and eaten. What's left -- exiled to Gulag for 25 years.

Don't you get it? :)

What's freedom of speech got to do with it? :)) It's not freedom of speech, it's the lack of guarantee of protection against currencyism . That's all. It has nothing to do with free speech. There are rules and a moderator has no right to go beyond them. And only a violation of the rules can be a guide for action. And not what it seems to someone else.
SProgrammer: You just explain why there are no rules. That's all. Don't you get it? Without the rules, it's a madhouse.

S, here are the Rules of the forum. And you say there aren't any? These rules implicitly spell out the actions of moderators in case of infringements.

P.S. And please explain, what Uncle Fyodor broke the rules - in the light of the phrase that I quoted to you of your own (about the most stupid, flooders, etc. - but do not throw it here, okay?)


What's freedom of speech got to do with it. :)) It's not free speech, it's the lack of guarantee of protection against currency trading. That's all. What's free speech got to do with it. There are rules and a moderator has no right to go beyond them. And only a violation of the rules can be a guide for action. And not what it seems to someone else.

There is a rule -- discussing moderation policy in general and bickering with moderators in particular is forbidden.

For it always ends badly.

Either you accept and abide by the Rules of the Forum, or you get kicked out.

Welcome to the real world.

Swetten: Well, that's how it is! :) "I'm a person! I'm not like everyone else! And there are 140 million of us in Russia!"

Let me disagree with you again, Svetlana. I rarely admit to liking men, but I like SProgrammer. He knows how to fight with the majority. One famous man, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to communicate, also once "swam against the tide". People like him can achieve a lot, especially in Forex. But it's not worth wasting time on "sorting things out with the computer", life is short.


Let me disagree with you again, Svetlana. I rarely admit to liking men, but I like SProgrammer. He knows how to fight with the majority. One famous man, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to communicate, also once "swam against the tide". People like him can achieve a lot, especially in Forex. But it's not worth wasting time on "sorting things out with the computer", life is short.

So he's cute and he's cute.

What's it got to do with me? :)

S, here are the Rules of the forum. And you say there aren't any? These rules implicitly spell out the actions of moderators in case of violations.

Good - then no punishment for flooding, for veiled insults, "but how sly I am, let the moderator catch me" ... And so on. These are not rules it's nothing at all. Rules should be clear - mat insult, offensive words insult. But for example if someone happens to write "what a load of crap" is also an insult? You can't do that. And you vainly do not understand - here if there are no experienced and INTELLIGENT people will not be and formam. You hope you don't want to get a "newbies forum" :) Well if so - then ouch. :)

So he's good-looking and he's good-looking.

What's that got to do with me? :)

+ 1 ))

There is a rule -- discussing moderation policy in general and bickering with moderators in particular is forbidden.

For it always ends badly.

Either you accept and abide by the Rules of the Forum, or you get kicked out.

Welcome to the real world.

Where is it written that you can't discuss moderation? THERE. :)))))))))))))) People ay... .:)

So he's good-looking and he's good-looking.

What's that got to do with me? :)

I rarely admit to liking women, but I do like Swetten .

Where does it say you can't discuss moderation? THERE. :)))))))))))))) People... .:)

Either you accept and abide by the Rules of the Forum, or you get kicked out.

What's not clear?

It used to be like this, now it's like this.

If you don't like it, nobody's forcing you here.