Hosting for EAs, cheap VPS server rental - page 4


>> RIV

I'm a techie myself, so I know that hardware and software sometimes break down. Even the most reliable and bourgeois ones.

I am interested in something else - attitude. If your server crashes, when I will know about it?

By the way, the price of a UPU at Inetcorp is already 500 pes.


I would like to offer you VPS virtual server rental services.

Ping to (one well-known broker). My current ping is 1.6ms (VPS in Agawa), if you have less, that's interesting.

[dabystru@an ~]$ ping -c4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=1.62 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=59 time=1.70 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=59 time=1.62 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=59 time=1.65 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3005 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.625/1.655/1.708/0.043 ms

VPS in Agave

Please leave the address.

Why do you need such a ping to work with this well-known broker? They're going to start slowing down processing as the volumes increase anyway.

And that, by the way, is the ping to the data centre. And their trading servers are not in Russia. They were just talking about it on the forum recently. Guess what will be the ping from the data centre to the trading server. =)


Please leave the address

And their trade servers are not in Russia.

According to the ping, the trade server is in Russia, at NOC Cable & Wireless, 14, 8th of March.

The lower the ping - the less problems for me, and more for them.

and a few messages further on. The trading server is outside Russia (according to the staff). It is the trading server that "decides" whether or not to requotes and everything else that causes problems for traders. And it doesn't help much if the ping to the datacenter is less than 5ms =)


>> gorby777

The attitude is - maximum quality service ... done on a "for myself" level ... initially the service was made only to host my systems and systems of people close to me ... then I decided to make it public, to recoup the running costs on equipment as well.

The equipment is all excellent, servers with raid with hotspea and 2 BP with hot swap, ie usually fly out disks and BP but here it is an expendable and without stopping the replacement, replacement fans on the motherboard also on hot. If server motherboard fails, it will certainly be a problem, but for now, supermicro for all the time I've been using it for all projects, it has never failed.

I think it should be obvious, that for the money that pays this project personal manager you can not be in principle ... ie if suddenly a serious problem comes up and will call he will go on a list of users ranging from old to new given the tariff ... so I estimate that now somewhere about an hour will only get to you ... the fastest way is to use ICQ gateway ... and you can and on the fly activity and monitor your system and in general all work efficiently.

>> dabystru

Get tracert ? ...interesting to see the path you are talking about and not the ping ...



I believe you that everything is very, very high quality and advanced. And that you won't call anyone if the system crashes (no one calls). But you do promptly send the list to your clients by e-mail with brief explanations? So that I can plan my next steps.

I control my EA using SMS. How about ICQ?


I used VPS service provided by RIV for a while. I liked the technical support and efficiency of the work. When I said that the money was transferred I was given access to the machine on my word of honour, within half an hour on the day off. There were some technical aspects, when I got nervous, but it was probably my fault. :) They would reboot it on their own and inform me about it by email before I even had a chance to panic.