Does anyone trade on a completely blank chart (no indicators) - page 13


In fact, you have set it up correctly. The less time the system is in the market, the better.

However, this does not mean that not trading at all is the best solution.

The desire to trade is a human desire and may well be (most often it is) a manifestation of addiction, and may not be connected with the desire to make a profit in the end (although the trader believes that he trades for profit).

But experiments with trading robots show otherwise, they have no psychological pathology. I was a little unclear and warned that I was expressing my thought a little confusingly. Evolving TC, regardless of the indicative characteristics of indicators (such a pun) tend to trade with TP and SL stops tending to 0, i.e., enter the market and immediately leave it, which I equate with the desire of these TC not to trade at all. But of course, I do not allow them not to trade setting them one of the conditions of evolution - execution of trade operations. That is why TSs have to trade with stops set to 0. This, in a certain way, opening, at least for me, shows that the trading wisdom of "buy low, sell high" does not hold out, because it does not show in any way what a trader should do (this is what I was talking about) in the time span between opening a position and its closing, this is the most primitive interpretation of any indicators.

joo:.... shows that the trading wisdom of "buy low, sell high" does not stand up to criticism, because it does not show in any way what a trader should do (which is exactly what I was talking about) in the time between the opening and closing of a trade, it is the most primitive interpretation of any indicator.
The trading wisdom really is to buy expensive and sell even more expensive.
The trade wisdom really is to buy expensive and sell even more expensive.

... "on the principle of the greater fool" - A. Elder. "There are 2 kinds of risks - monetary and informational. I prefer the informational one (i.e. to buy on a pullback in the direction of the main trend)" - Ibid. It depends on the particular TS. :-)))

... "on the principle of the greater fool" - A. Elder. "There are 2 types of risks - monetary and informational. I prefer informational (i.e. to buy on pullbacks in the direction of the main trend)" - Ibid. It depends on the particular TS. :-)))
Even better buy on a retracement breakdown in the direction of the main trend :)))
Even better, buy on correction breakdowns in the direction of the main trend :)))

Golden words!

Like in the movie 12 Chairs with Ostap Bender:

A: Dear man, your credo?

Theatre worker: "ALWAYS! " :-)))

As for me, apart from the ruler and fractals, there is no need in it.