Do you have any tactics for dealing with the loca? - page 34


Well, I'm not a regular fucking doctor, either.

Allow me to take my leave.

Piglet's example is infectious...


close a sell order is a buy order

close a buy order is a sell

there is no closing in the market, only buying or selling

And don't be confused by the word "CLOSE ORDER" on the button.

That I understand/know about.

Ok. The two different positions are sorted out and it's easy to code.

But what should we do if at each bar we should open positions with 50 bars (50 open positions)? And what if their volumes are different?

I'm going to a nunnery. A convent. :)

PS And another thing. Say, on the neting 50 positions is possible (I admit such a possibility :)), and on an account with a locks ban?


It's the same and the same.

Let's make an example of 6 lines like in your picture with different volumes

although Gans-deGlucker translated the whole chart for you yesterday


Writers here mostly argue to the point of squabbling.

For they don't read. Or don't want to read.

Other people's answers.

This reminds me of another popular thread...



That I understand/know.

OK. The two differently directed positions have been dealt with and it is easy to code.

But what if at each bar we have to open positions, and so with a window of 50 bars (50 open positions)? And even more so if their volumes are different?

There are no open positions. There is only buy or sell. It is not a problem to buy 50 bags of potatoes, by the bag or by the bucket. And it is not important to know at what price a bucket was bought; the only thing that matters is at what price all those 50 bags can be sold. And if those "50 open positions" have different directions, then on the netting, everything becomes even easier - the whole zoo with a huge number of pending orders automatically disappears. You are left alone with the market and just think when to buy and when to sell.


Potatoes, cucumbers, or even condoms are a tangible and physical asset, not a piece of paper worth a ruble and with a face value of 1,000 rubles. But it's all true, of course...


When will this nonsense end? Even a pig knows that loki is evil.

Everyone who is for loki is an IDIOT and Sveta is an IDIOT.

Proof: IQtests without knowledge of mathematics, and to understand Loki you only need to know + and -, you will not score more than 20 points. Which corresponds to the graph IDIOT. For Sveta, the graph is IDIOT.


When will this nonsense end? Even a pig knows that loki is evil.

Everyone who is for loki is an IDIOT and Sveta is an IDIOT.

Proof: IQtests without knowledge of mathematics, and to understand Loki you only need to know + and -, you will not score more than 20 points. Which corresponds to the graph IDIOT. For Sveta - graph Idiot.

Healthy sex helps with anger and rudeness

Try it, you seem to have years of abstinence behind you


It's healthy sex that helps with the anger and rudeness.

Try it, you seem to have years of abstinence behind you.

What do you know about sex? ;)

You're the ones with the patience that will tolerate anything stupid as long as you get something, you clearly have an attention deficit problem.


Mmm. I see. I mistakenly thought that the profit in pips would be equal to half of the difference between the selling price and the buying price. And it turns out that the profit will be equal to the difference of the selling price and the buying price (on netting of course).


Okay, everyone can be wrong. I'm one of them. :)

There is still the problem of coding the universal executive block, which doesn't care how much and what volumes signals from the analytical block are coming (I can't manage 50 open (OK Timbo, don't get upset, sold/bought) positions. It's like realising the infinity of the universe, at this stage at least.

PS And how Gans-deGlucker calculated the table, I never understood, it is not obvious.