Do you have any tactics for dealing with the loca? - page 9

You're wrong, life is not black and white. I don't like them either, but it's a deep, deep problem why I have such an attitude. I don't like them either, it's a deep problem why I feel the same way about loks. I now invite you to start his thought for the "context develop" and you would have understood the side "adepts" loca, but you somehow got involved with the local zdeeshney gang, the ship which hopefully sailed away from here :), and simply took all the habits - tell me who your friend, and I will tell who you are, as they say. It's nothing but another religious war.
Are you really insane here or are you just pretending?

What does this have to do with the rationality of those who trade with locs? I have nothing against locs - I told you a thousand times! Use it if you are used to it. But you realize WHAT the author asks and WHAT I'm answering. Look at the subject. The point is that he made a loss (even a profit!), he (she) fixed it with a lock (he could have just closed the position with the same success and even less losses), and now he is asking: What is your tactic for dealing with the loss (profit)?

Is he an idiot? An alien? Is he an idiot alien? A baseball bat dumber than wood from frequent use? At least someone would tell me where they're coming from. Inhumanoid partisans.
What the hell kind of tactics are there, other than regular trade? If we have to sell, we sell. If we have to buy, we buy. If we have to withdraw money and close the account, so as not to torment ourselves and others with our beep-beep - we withdraw by blocking opposite orders.

Are you guys talking out of your minds or what? Looks like "or what" to me. I don't think even lunatics think like that. There's something phenomenal here. Unicums!

Oh, my God. It's a good thing I made the decision not to show up here anymore. I hope I succeed on the third time. ))))))) // otherwise this will end badly... Oh, bad...

А... э... I don't know what to wish for goodbye. For the third time... Insulin shock? Sulfazine cross? A lobotomy? Nah, that's all for normal freaks.
А! I know! Luck. People like you should be lucky. // Or is that just a saying? )))
So tell the starter, why should the forum leave?

No, that's not fair

You want to leave us alone with these...uh....mmmmmm....robots.

I understand it's not easy, every day... and there's more and more ..... and where .... comes from (unlikely there, more likely somewhere they're being manufactured in China)

What to do (it's not a question, purely rhetorical)

Gather all on one boat, bring them together with flowers and an orchestra, and when they move away, all to the bottom - this is not the way, it is not humane (although effectively and very much like it, but it is not certain that they will sink).

But they are here in the community is clearly a steamroller for themselves, it is not software decks they have already seized.

So don't be sad for long and come back.


Hopeless... Come to think of it, if you've got anything left. At least your pituitary gland.

Good luck, invalids. (Speak farewell, anacephals...)


And what do you want from the forum, where every second, if not more often, believes that you can write a few lines like if(), while() and OrderSend(), press compile and the rest of the days to solve only one problem - where to spend such money....

And you, by the way, are a member of the same forum, so treat fellow diagnosticians with due respect... It's not so dreary together.)

Are you really crazy here, or pretend?

Well, what does that have to do with the reasonable actions of those who trade with locks? I have nothing against locs - I told you a thousand times! Use it if you are used to it. But you realize WHAT the author asks and WHAT I'm answering. Look at the subject. The point is that he made a loss (even a profit!), he (she) fixed it with a lock (he could have just closed the position with the same success and even less losses), and now he is asking: What is your tactic for dealing with the loss (profit)?

Is he an idiot? An alien? Is he an idiot alien? A baseball bat dumber than wood from frequent use? At least someone would tell me where they're coming from. Inhumanoid partisans.
What the hell kind of tactics are there, other than regular trade? If we have to sell, we sell. If we have to buy, we buy. If we have to withdraw money and close the account, so as not to torment ourselves and others with our beep-beep - we withdraw by blocking opposite orders.

Are you guys talking out of your minds or what? Looks like "or what" to me. I don't think even lunatics think like that. There's something phenomenal here. Unicums!

Oh, my God. It's a good thing I made the decision not to show up here anymore. I hope I succeed on the third time. ))))))) // otherwise this will all end badly... Oh, bad...

А... э... I don't know what to wish for goodbye. For the third time... Insulin shock? Sulfazine cross? A lobotomy? Nah, that's all for normal freaks.
А! I know! Luck. People like you should be lucky. // Or is that just a saying? )))

That's what I thought I needed to clarify, I should have done. It's just that they trade with pauses, and you do it differently.

I'm not sure how much you've got, but I'm sure you've got the right one.

If you don't have a bot and don't want to sit behind the monitor, why don't you play the combination with lots - that's it, I don't have enough brains to explain it in a simpler way.



And what do you want from a forum where every second, if not more often, believes that you can write a few lines like if(), while() and OrderSend(), press compile and the rest of the days solve only one problem - where to spend so much money....

And you, by the way, are a member of the same forum, so treat fellow diagnosticians with due respect... It's not so dreary together.)

Are you saying that a few (and therefore less than 10) lines in a condition to open orders is not enough to make the EA profitable? Or do you mean a few lines for the whole EA?
The best way to break the lock is to set TP and SL. A ratio of at least 3:1. And close the terminal for a couple of days. IMHO

No, that's not fair

You want to leave us alone with these...uh....mmmmmm....robots.

I understand it's not easy, every day... and there's more and more ..... and where .... comes from (unlikely there, more likely somewhere they're being manufactured in China)

What to do (it's not a question, purely rhetorically)

Gather all on one boat, bring them together with flowers and an orchestra, and when they move away, all to the bottom - this is not the way, it is not humane (although effectively and very much like it, but it is not certain that they will sink).

But they are here in the community is clearly a steamroller for themselves, it is not software decks they have already seized.

So don't be sad for long and come back.

Yeah... Bear, hypocrisy is endless - you see a speck in other people's eyes, but you don't see a log in yours. And surprisingly, you're not a stupid man.

Intolerance is a manifestation of self-importance about one's own superiority. And hence immaturity as a man.

Every man has an area of knowledge in which he is ignorant.

Let's be more tolerant. Amateurs are good because sometimes they ignorantly come up with great ideas. Let them write and ask!


Intolerance is a manifestation of self-importance about one's own superiority. And hence immaturity as a man.

Every man has an area of knowledge in which he is ignorant.

Let's be more tolerant. Amateurs are good because sometimes they ignorantly come up with great ideas. Let them write and ask!

You're all right, it's just that intolerance is a sign and the cause is inside. To clarify what I mean, if an "amateur" produces great ideas, then it is a big question which of the two is an amateur - the author of the idea or the one who stamped it on him...