We can no longer control the placement of objects on the graph "vertically" - page 7

DDFedor >>:

..., когда, действительно, начнется работа, поступит гораздо больше предложений вернуться к сортировке по имени.

I am one of the few (it seems to me) who does "interface visualisation" very intensively and I believe that the information provided as an example to me is

I was the first one to get into the same rake they laid:




In internal testing, we did quite a lot of fiddling ourselves, writing both interfaces and games. There is no problem as such with the rendering order, just change your approach with the order in mind.

It's like, excuse the comparison, for the New Year table instead of the national dish Olivier, pour a pile of potatoes in coats, put a piece of sausage, a bunch of greens and still send it to the fridge in the other room with mayonnaise. Here's my counter argument #1 and #2. If you have no desire to put and understand see this cartoon (downloadable file size just over 5 MB) which can be done even on a B!!!

So you're absolutely right about, "when the work starts..."!

When MQL-developers start using all that interactivity (buttons, input fields, clicking on objects), then the moaning like mine will be overwhelming.... but we can not change anything else." Then in this thread and will appear my "but I warned" :( And not because I'm so clever and insightful - just I first ran into those rake that they have laid.

P/S/ The most frustrating thing is that the implementation for them of this case is not for them to "just recreate" us, but banal when rendering in ChartRedaw go not by array indexes, but by values of Z-order..... properties ehhhhh :((((