We can no longer control the placement of objects on the graph "vertically" - page 4


Nothing went wrong! Now do the following (see attached screenshot). Run the script, delete the red rectangle, run the script again. Before each creation of an object, delete it and everything.


And there is life on Mars!

111.mq5  1 kb

As a statement of fact.

What has been written in this thread is a categorical (both in substance and tone) accusation and rebuke of us.

There has been no such thing on our part. We explained ourselves in the service desk, in the forum, but it had no effect on the author.

The author thinks there were "mutual accusations" but I don't see it. It was polite from our side.


Next fact:

  • List of changes to the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds
I highly recommend reading this and keep in mind that we will be releasing around 100-150 more builds in the next 2 years.
Renat >>:

В качестве констатации фактов.

Написанное в этой ветке является категорическими (как по сути, так и по тону) обвинениями и упреками в нашу сторону.

С нашей стороны такого не было. Мы объяснялись в сервисдеске, в форуме, но это никак не повлияло на автора.

Автор считает что были "взаимные упреки", но я этого не вижу. С нашей стороны все было вежливо.

As the young people of today write - "I am shocked".

What are we arguing about, let me ask you again!

I have stumbled upon a problem, described why I think it is a problem, suggested solutions. Z-order is a basic concept of any system that visually displays graphical objects (it's, sorry, like classes in OOP). I was surprised that this mechanism was missing, and I asked you a question and tried to convince you that it extends the capabilities of MQL5 and the terminal and doesn't limit anything... If you've read the branch, you know what happened next.

I apologise to the developers that I annoyed them with my desire to extend the functionality of their product and that they took my attempts as "accusations and reproaches in their direction".

Renat >>:

Следующий факт:

  • Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Очень рекомендую почитать и учесть, что мы еще выпустим около 100-150 билдов в последующие 2 года.

of course, quantity always turns into quality, but I think the plan for the number of planned builds is not an indicator to be proud of ;)

and as for the list of changes, sorry, it's not very informative to read.

MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 274

1. Terminal: Fixed display of the trading history on a chart.

MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 278

1. Terminal: Fixed display of trading history on a chart.

Probably there are 80% of such unspecified texts in that list (imho)

did you fix one and the same bug twice? or is it different? how do you know from reading these messages if the bug I wrote about was fixed or which other bug was fixed? ;)

Again, I'm sorry for really reproaching you this time. I won't do it again - I don't see the point.

ForexTools >>:
Прошу прощения у разработчиков, что надоедал им своим желанием расширить функциональность их продукта и что они восприняли эти мои попытки как "обвинения и упреки в их сторону".
Are you ready to change the title of the topic yet?
Yes, the topic could have been renamed. Formulated in a non-scandalous way.
Renat >>:
Вы уже готовы изменить название темы?

Why? The topic is formulated correctly, I said exactly what I wanted to say and I don't retract my words (because you believe that recreating all objects is more correct than handling Z-order property and you're convincing me of that).

If you're still offended by it - delete it - after all, you are the owners of this resource.


Please rename the topic. the title is more appropriate for a scandalous front page headline. the working title of the thread would sound different to me. you have attracted attention and the result has been achieved. now you can work without emotion.