What makes an unsteady graph unsteady or why oil is oil?


Whoever is interested, get in touch. Task: give a mathematical definition of a price chart with justification.

I would call it a process. Randomness of traders' orders opening in time + unpredictability of lot sizes, if I may say so.
Or again someone will say it's not all random.
The chart is a direct consequence(expression) of the process. As for orders, that's the way; and the way in which a non-stationary process is created can be ignored. Who has any opinions?


I will explain my opinion.
Let's have a trader "Popkin". How does trader Popkin open orders? Can you predict it? Trader Popkin has a system, it's a god knows what, it's not known to anyone. Trader Popkin does not always work: the reasons range from diarrhea to earthquake.
There are many traders like Popkin. And what is it that you "many" want to predict?
To repeat Elder's words, he said: - do not try to predict prices.
How you feel about such statements is up to you.

))) Yep... Again... "Well, here's to stationary!" // and immediately drank

My opinion is that the cactus is eternal and the mice that gnaw on it will never end!!!!
It's also like that old gate joke. That's where the sheep are new...

Do a search on the keyword "stationary".
Svinozavr писал(а) >> do a keyword search for "stationary".
Peter, the search doesn't work on holidays and weekends. You know it :)

I don't even think about predicting anything.

NTH писал(а) >>

I don't even think about predicting anything.

Well, then you're going straight to "martin" and probability theory.
Richie >>:
Пётр, поиск не работает по празникам и выходным. Вы же знаете :)

And you can't Google the website on the weekend either - not kosher!!! )))


Well roll on, stop! I'm not interested in martin, or probability theory, or "where the dudes put the limiters" - all these approaches are followed by "you'll lose in the end!". I'm interested in how you can characterise a price chart mathematically(definition with logical reasoning). For what purpose? A non-stationary process also has regularities, but they are not particular case regularities, they are regularities in general; so, to understand them more deeply you need (but not necessarily) a mathematical justification. Plus, the logic of the locals is interesting, Richie wrote about it in the thread.


Then I'll ask questions too.
Fourier describes history very well. Why is this type of extrapolation so bad at predicting future prices? That's the 1st question.
Now the 2nd, most interesting question: if Fourier doesn't work, doesn't that mean that other types of extrapolation won't work as well?

NTH >>:

Ну покатили, стоп! Меня не интересуют ни мартин, ни теория вероятности, ни "где чуваки наставили лимитников" - за всеми этими подходами идут слова "в итоге ты проиграешь!". Меня интересует как можно охарактеризовать график цены математически(определение с логическим обоснованием). Для чего? У нестационарного процесса тоже есть закономерности, но это не закономерности частного случая, это закономерности вообщем; так вот, чтобы глубже их понимать нужно(но необязательно) мат. обоснование. Плюс, логика местных жителей интересна, об этом писал в теме Richie.

Look, what other words can I use to tell you that THIS topic has been trashed to the last 206? Search!


The search will probably start on Tuesday :)
Look at the beginning of the topic: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/125613
and this file: https://c.mql5.com/mql4/forum/2010/04/Medvediy.rar
I've already changed my religion im now professing to be random :)