Ring - page 51

Renat Akhtyamov #:
can the pound with the euro, for the sake of interest?

I will first comment on CHFJPY = no signal to enter.

Renat Akhtyamov #:

as long as it doesn't overdraw.

Zero bar only.

Renat Akhtyamov #:
pound/euro can you do it, just for the sake of interest?

GBP/EUR = no signal

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Pound/Euro = no signal


maybe just because the overlap by rationing between 0-1 works differently?

I don't argue, the formula for such an overlap is on every corner.

usually such formulas are very questionable to apply

and the interesting thing is that the redrawing in this overlay happens when you change/break through haves and lows

but the historical data hasn't changed,

and then

bam, the signal suddenly reverses or appears

Renat Akhtyamov #:


maybe just because overlapping by rationing between 0-1 works differently?

I don't argue, the formula for such an overlap is on every corner.

usually such formulas are very dubious in their application

and the most interesting thing about this overlap happens when you change/penetrate hajis and loys

I haven't been let down by such a calculation yet.

As one fellow says: "10pp a day is enough for me"

AUDNZD = signal on the way.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

A more confirmed signal, if there is one

In the screenshots view through several pairs

The histogram is the spread, look at it

Didn't find in the screenshots where the proof is there that the signal is more confirmed. Poke me with the nose).

khorosh #:

I can't find any evidence in the screenshots that the signal is more confirmed. Poke me in the nose).

Look at the histo. Didn't find it because it's not there, only confirmation that there is no signal.

Tried 4 pairs, using all major currencies without their copies

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

This calculation has not failed so far

As one fellow says: "10 pips a day is enough for me".

AUDNZD = signal on the way.

so that's 10 pips a day and no signal?

I have a signal most of the time, pairs don't just stand there and run.

i did not get the signal yesterday either - he wanted to know how to trade.

I do not know where the arrow goes, just go ahead and trade.)

Renat Akhtyamov #:

here they are, the same 10 pips a day, and how is there no signal?

there is almost always a signal, pairs are not standing still, they are running

i did not understand the tranS yesterday either - he wanted to know how to trade.

where the arrow goes, trade that way, no big deal ;)

Trading one pair leads to a certain failure.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

This calculation has not failed so far

As one fellow says: "10 pips a day is enough for me".

AUDNZD = signal on the way.

I also have one.