Ring - page 2

sever29 >>:

и еще, почему одни покупаем, другие продаем, а не например все бай или все сел?

Trying to hedge... Only the volumes are not aligned.

api, that's the "beauty" (our beauty...! (c) Lord of the Rings))) The ring is that it is resistant to ANY market fluctuations!
sever29 >>:

и еще, почему одни покупаем, другие продаем, а не например все бай или все сел?

Well it seems that the number of currency directions is the same (the number of EUR in a forward quote for example should be the same as the number of EUR in a reverse quote), and so on for each currency. That is why it is a ring. Well, the fact that different currencies cost differently and in fact this ring is a synthetic position in some direction (due to imbalance of currency values) and with 21-fold spread, it seems that the author is not aware of this point.

Joker, it's all agreed! Try the demo and see for yourself!
Gans-deGlucker, The Ring is ultimately some kind of synthetic position in ANY(!) direction
Excuse me, at what point is the profit?
moskitman >>:
Gans-deGlucker, Кольцо - это в итоге некая синтетическая позиция в какую-то НИКАКУЮ(!) сторону

You are wrong, and after a month or so of such a portfolio you will realise it yourself. Maybe... Because when you buy Euros for Pounds you cannot sell them for Aussies for example and think that everything is all tip-top. No, it isn't.

2 neoclassic:
if you look closely at the behaviour of each ring member, you can see that relative to the starting point, any of them tend to come back.
I propose to let them scatter (knowing that I won't lose more than $120) and then "let them come back" the moment the NUMBER of negatives exceeds a certain threshold.
Gans-deGlucker, no one is asking you to hold a ring for months on the real... open it on a demo, look out for minus pairs and "kick it" on the real...
moskitman >>:
2 neoclassic:
если присмотреться к поведению каждой участницы кольца, то можно увидеть, что относительно точки старта любая из них склонна к возврату.
я предлагаю дать им разбежаться (зная что больше чем 120$ я не потеряю) а следом "дать вернуться" в тот момент, когда КОЛИЧЕСТВО отрицательных превышает определенный порог.

There isn't that highest price that can't get even higher...(one formulation of the trend). :) So you can of course give a spread, and any pair is of course prone to come back...But whether it will come back or not is a big question. Is this moment somehow algorithmized? If so - the system will have a precarious chance of living, if not - it's easier to trade one currency pair instead of 21. The result, believe it or not, is the same.